Ipaq H3800 Mod?


Jun 11, 2005
So I am working on a mod right now and I have this old Ipaq H3800 laying around that nobody seems to want to buy from me. So I want to hack it apart and use to display something in my mod. Whether its music or temps I really dont care I would just like to use it.


I have NO idea where to start. Anyone know anything? Steer me in the right direction please.
I'm not sure it can be done (easily & inexpensively)... some lcd's like that require special controllers to operate; they are not just plug-n-play. I know I haven't seen any palm pilot screen mods for that reason, so I'm guessing your Ipaq falls into the same category.

Really, it would probably be easier to just buy a surplus screen that interfaces with std pc software, unless you are a bit more hardcore and program your own microcontrollers and stuff.

Didn't we used to have and lcd faq sticky?
Does it still work?
As far as I know there aren't any programs that are like PalmOrb for the PPC but you can use VNC or this other program to extend your desktop onto it (dont recall the name sorry)

I do recall people said its easy to program to with vb to read the serial commands so perhaps you can just write your own PalmOrb if you're ambitious enough.
You won't be able to separate the screen from the rest of the PDA, because of the custom screen controller. What you can do, though, is run Innobec SideWindow on/through the iPaq, provided the iPaq itself still works. As long as it is somehow connected to the desktop (ActiveSync or ActiveSync-over-network), Windows will see it as an auxiliary screen.
Looks like the innobec program is the winner here. I happen to know SFkilla, a major designer of vista sidebar gadgets. He may be able to create the gadget that I need for this application. Great stuff. Thanks to all.