IPCOP can't connect to web interface


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
I've been using IPCOP for 4 years or so. So far so good.

I got a new Intel Atom board with DUAL LAN NIC's. Its a great small board, ITX size. One LAN is red, the other green. I have a wireless PCI card in there too, but its not assigned to any color interface.

I installed IPCOP on it using a thumb drive as the flash HD. Everything boots. In fact the routing works, I am using IPCOP right now to access the internet.

Well now here is the strangest problem I've encountered with IPCOP. Everything is installed and working. I am able to ping google, etc. However I can't access the web interface! Its .. I even connected a keyboard and monitor back to the IPCOP machine to get back to the linux command line. Under setup I choose as the green interface IP.

I don't see whats wrong here. Everytime I try to connect it just stalls, in the lower status bar it says "Connecting to 192...." and then nothing happens. This is fucking annoying. WHY IS THIS NOT LETTING ME CONNECT? I even tried from two different PC's, I even tried using a cross over cable from my laptop to the green interface of the router. But same thing happens. I can't connect to the web interface on the default IP and port and using httpS. I even used IE and Firefox. Same result.

I tried to do an IP range scan of to .255. But nothing is responding. Probably because green is blocking pings? But why on green side? I don't know anymore

IPCOP is working
Even taking a cross over cable and directly connecting a PC to IPCOP green interface does not connect to web interface, yet I can still go online to webpages. I AM ONLINE.
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I don't have any experience with IPCop, but I'm guessing it probably has the netstat utility. Use that to see if it's listening on port 445. Make sure the http daemon is running.
I think I accidentally installed a test version of IPCOP. On the source forge page the test was at the top as newest files but I accidentally thought that was "newest version".
I'd take 5 minutes and run through the install again..and be sure to pay attention to each step in the hand holding installation wizard.
I haven't checked my install CD yet, but I searched through some other IPCOP forum and the guy had the same exact issue, and was caused by accidentally installing a test version of IPCOP, not the final.

I didn't even know they made a test version, or even what this test version is for, but I must have been in a hurry and downloaded the top listed files on sourceforge, but thats for newest files. Newest could be anything.... I shoulda looked down further to find 1.4.x versions.
I didn't even know they made a test version, or even what this test version is for, but I must have been in a hurry and downloaded the top listed files on sourceforge, but thats for newest files. Newest could be anything.... I shoulda looked down further to find 1.4.x versions.

Ahh that 1.9.8? Haven't looked (or ran IPCop) in a few years....looks like stuff really slowed down. One of the reasons I went to try other distros, IPCop just seemed to start to get old, "long in the tooth" sorta speak

What specific features are you looking for out of your firewall? There may be some other distros that will work better for you.
445 dude, it was saved as a shortcut in my browswer, so I know it never changed.

What specific features stonecat? I would have to read a list of them. Since the Atom is a bit faster than any older hardware I've run IPCOP on, I'd like to try some other distros if you can name a few that should be a good change from IPCOP (and utilize some more CPU if need be). On my network I have two desktops, 2 wireless laptops and a Vonage VOIP box connected to it. I game online, use bit torrent, and run trading software which streams tons of stock data. Hulu as well and internet radio stations as well. Also I use logmein a lot, so I'm wondering if any thing could make it perform a little faster by just router adjustments alone (packet priority?).

I should call up my cable company to get Optimum boost, or whatever service upgrade it is, that they allow you to use a lot more bandwidth per month without capping you, and hopefully give me more throughput. They are so dick about capping people and not telling you what the limit is, ISP's these days gotta get on with the times and actually give us some real usage. Too bad FIOS isn't available yet, or I'd be maxxing out my connection to stress the IPCOP box for fun. Bit torrent is a great example of it.

I had IPCOP up and running for a year and a half and then the hardware broke, so I went back to my old Linksys WRT54G revision 5 for a couple months. But it was a piece of shit since it was the later hardware changes that didn't allow you to do the awesome Tomato flash people were doing earlier in the day. Then it started to reboot on its own under heavy load, and then started to drop wireless connections. A lot of random IP's hammering the router under high throughput really does stress a lot of cheap home routers. And unfortunately I thought my WRT was up to the task for the time being. I think I've run IPCOP for so long that I've used 3 different motherboards over time. Either the hardware is so old and I just retired another machine that has faster specs so it takes its spot, or the hardware really did crap out. But never my old 3COM 3c509x card :)

I really fell in love with IPCOP, it was free, small, quick to install and I was familiar with setting it up as I hate spending half a day on getting simple things to work under Linux otherwise. Despite all the windows machines I have in the home, I just want to at least say I use Linux. :)
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I prefer PFSense myself, due to the traffic shaping/QoS which features which it's robust in. Allows me to throttle other types of traffic and keep my online gaming snappy with prioritization.

Endian is another good distro, started out based on IPCop with the Copfilter add-on. Much smoother interface. May want to check that one out.

The other popular ones...m0n0wall and Smoothwall.
The default address to connect to IPCOP i always used is

It should redirect you to the SSL side if necessary, see what happens if you try to not go to https and use port 81.
I prefer PFSense myself, due to the traffic shaping/QoS which features which it's robust in. Allows me to throttle other types of traffic and keep my online gaming snappy with prioritization.

Endian is another good distro, started out based on IPCop with the Copfilter add-on. Much smoother interface. May want to check that one out.

The other popular ones...m0n0wall and Smoothwall.

I recently just switched from IPCOP to PFSense. I am still up in the air about what i like better. I ran IPCOP for about 6 years so I kinda knew it pretty well and it was as solid as it gets. never had an issue with dropped connections. I ran bittorrent 24/7 for years and could game with it running with no lag or problems. all the retail routers i had would start to chock and need to be rebooted. Not old IPCOP.

the reason i switched was for a couple of reasons:

1. I was messing with a setting in IPCOP and borked my installation and needed to reinstall. which is not difficult at all, unless your running 4 interfaces. I was having problems getting it to pick up my interfaces with the correct NIC's.
2. Once that happened I decided to try PFSense because i had heard alot about it. and it had 1 thing out of the box that IPCOP doesn't, Dual WAN. I wanted to tinker with that.
3. It took me a few hours to get everything connected. setting up the different interfaces is much easier the IPCOP. Wireless works without an addon.
4. The one thing that is a pain in the ass is the firewall rules. They are much more complicated the IPCOP and I am still having to add new rules as I go. Half the time i don't even know how to add the rule in PFSENSE where IPCOP was simple to do. But i am sure i will learn it like i did IPCOP and it will be easy.