iPhone 4, or 4s?


Limp Gawd
Oct 21, 2012
Recently received an iPhone 4 with my new Sprint account and now I have slight buyer's remorse. Should I return it within the two week window, get the 4s, or just skip the 4's altogether and get the 5?

This is my first Apple device, btw.
The 5 is pretty sweet, but the 4S is no slouch. Upgrade to something else besides the 4. I have a 4, and I wish I was eligible for an upgrade now.
4s gets you Siri,5 gets a bigger screen,4g LTE..That is all.
4s u get text to speech turn by turn directions as well..

4 you dont get
4s gets you Siri,5 gets a bigger screen,4g LTE..That is all.

4S does NOT have 4G LTE. It does support 4G on AT&T(HSPA+ or w/e it's called)

I would go for the 4S over the 4 any day, but if you can just get the 5.
Definitely 4S or 5. The 4 is pretty slow at this point. Its not a good user experience.
The 4S is noticably snappier and more responsive then the 4 and has full access to iOS 6's current features. If you can afford it, the 4S is a considerable upgrade to the 4.
The general recommendations to go with at least the 4S are correct. I would say get the 5 if you're able, but the 4S is a noticeable performance upgrade over the 4, which is now somewhat long in the tooth.

get the 4S, but if you can afford it... the 5 rules pretty hard. Besides, if you're getting it on-contract and gonna be stuck with it for 2 years, might as well get the fastest that's currently available.
when we are talking about using something for 2 years. you should get the newest phone possible. my iphone 5 will be garbage next year. by the end of the two years ill be begging for a new addition to pockets.

4s will only make it worse.

2 years is a long time for any technology. phones is the worst though. as it is one of the biggest markets out there
I'd recommend returning the 4 and going straight to the 5, skipping the 4S. I currently have the 4S and due to iOS6, I have horrible battery issues. Please note that not ALL 4S users experience the same thing... so your mileage may vary.
I cannot imagine there being that big a cost savings staying on the 4S compared to getting the 5.
Thanks guys, went ahead and talked to Sprint, ordered the 5 and have 11 more days to return this 4 in pristine condition to minimize the shipping delay on the 5.

LTE is soooo much faster. You'll be glad you got the 5. I'm jealous of my GFs haha.
I have the iphone 4 for about 2 years now and I have to say, its pretty damn slow (jailbreak though).
If you live in the US, I'd say, get the iphone 5 and if you live in europe, well, the only difference is the bigger screen and processor. 4G is still being auctioned, and it will take a while for 4G to be available like 3G is at this point.
On the other hand, what will iOS7 bring? Will the 4S be made redundant because of it? Most probably. Apple would be a fool to fully support older hardware. Customers should be drawn to the latest and greatest.

In short: if you can afford it, just take the iPhone 5, but take the white one ;).
LTE is soooo much faster. You'll be glad you got the 5. I'm jealous of my GFs haha.

My phone is a 4S and my iPad is LTE. LTE is much faster, but frankly, since I'm on Wifi a lot, there is nothing I really benefit from with LTE. It's not like I'm going to be watching Netflix on it....

So, I say get LTE if you can afford the latest, but if money is an issue at all, get the 4S. You aren't going to miss much not having LTE on your phone, unless you plan to be watching netflix, and if you do that, you'd better have unlimited, or else your carrier will be raping your wallet on a monthly basis.
4 is getting old - 4S or preferably the 5. It's what, $100 or $199 more over 2 years?