Iphone 4 or Droid X?

My vote if for the iPhone 4. Better apps and more apps is the biggest reason to go with the iPhone. I've compared both the available stuff for Android and the iPhone and the iPhone is kicking the shit out of the Android as of currently. This will change, but it will take some more time before the Android has a comparable line up of apps. Better form factor/design too (although that is speculative).

It depends on how you look at it. Android apps are more for productivity, and many can say that more than half of the apps for the iphone is pure crap. So one can throw in quality over quantity argument for this comment.
It depends on how you look at it. Android apps are more for productivity, and many can say that more than half of the apps for the iphone is pure crap. So one can throw in quality over quantity argument for this comment.

The wife and I are just switching to the Android platform from iphones but, seriously, from what I've seen over the last week Android apps lose on both quantity and quality.

edit: And I mean in a BIG way on both fronts. It's not even close. Including productivity apps.
As far as I know Verizon is already using tiered plans. I was at a Verizon store getting my brother upgraded from a Blackberry to a Droid and the guy told us we were lucky because we were grandfathered into the unlimited data plan. He said all new contracts are 5GB. This was about 1.5 months ago.
The wife and I are just switching to the Android platform from iphones but, seriously, from what I've seen over the last week Android apps lose on both quantity and quality.

edit: And I mean in a BIG way on both fronts. It's not even close. Including productivity apps.

That is my experience too...I had the Evo for 2 weeks to test this out. Apple apps still dominate.
I would look at your carrier way before I decided on a phone. Just ask iphone users in NYC or DC.

That being said the wife and I just went from 3gs's to iphone 4's. Wow so nice. I have a BB Curve for work and it straight sucks. The one big negative for apple is the lack of flash. There is a reason the Iphone is so popular, it flat out works and its super easy to use. Our son started learning my wife's at about 18 months. He could navigate his way to a few games and videos/music. They are very intuitive devices, however it takes a little while to get used to the goofy typing touch screen thing.

Get what you want, one accessory I would highly highly recommend is zagg shield, or one of the many knock offs. I don't buy a case for any of my phones. I do have a zag and just ordered a real carbon laminate for the bumper and back. When the wife and I walked out of the apple store we went right over and had one installed on both our screens. Watch the youtube videos.... they really are that good.
Droid X:
*larger screen for bigger fonts and bigger keyboard (more comfortable viewing and typing)
*on Verizon network
*Google's Navigation app (which I think is superior to any standalone GPS on the market)
The wife and I are just switching to the Android platform from iphones but, seriously, from what I've seen over the last week Android apps lose on both quantity and quality.

edit: And I mean in a BIG way on both fronts. It's not even close. Including productivity apps.
I agree. I switched from an iPhone to the Vibrant two weeks ago and the Android Marketplace has A LOT of catching up to do. The apps aren't polished and a few of them cost a ton more than the iTunes store. Not to mention the pathetic list of games. Of course Android does have some damn good apps of its own but they're not enough. Google needs to take a long hard look at their app store and fix some of the serious problems that plague Marketplace.
We ordered 2 Droid Xs this past weekend. Hopefully the market place isn't too bad. But then again, I'm the kind of person that wants 1 or 2 games and a couple of utility apps and that's it. For whatever reason I never paid for apps on my iphone. Technically I bought 1 app, a Go game that you couldn't get for free, but that was it.
We ordered 2 Droid Xs this past weekend. Hopefully the market place isn't too bad. But then again, I'm the kind of person that wants 1 or 2 games and a couple of utility apps and that's it. For whatever reason I never paid for apps on my iphone. Technically I bought 1 app, a Go game that you couldn't get for free, but that was it.
I have two Gameloft games (Let's Golf and Gangstar) on my phone and Doodle Jump and I'm good. Hopefully Pocket God makes it's way over too. Those games are enough to tide me over until Android Gaming takes off. Android has every utility app that I used on my iPhone and none of them cost any money. The Marketplace isn't great and many of the same apps aren't as polished but there's plenty in there to get the job done. The experience could be better but with a few minutes on phandroid and XDA you'll eventually find what you need.
I just got a Droid X went from a Droid 1. Only i hate is the fracking volume blows! I have 100% just to hear music,or calls. also the battery life is way shorter than the Droid 1.
I love my x. I also love swype, but maybe you can get that on the iphone4 too. I also have not noticed a shortage of apps for anything I have ever searched for.
Battery life could be better but it's livable for me
I just got a Droid X went from a Droid 1. Only i hate is the fracking volume blows! I have 100% just to hear music,or calls. also the battery life is way shorter than the Droid 1.
There's supposed to be an update coming to fix that. FWIW, DROID 2 is also quieter than DROID 1.
droid marketplace is pathetic, just uterally sad, searching is even worse, and how can you not have any type of sorting? i'll take the most basic of sorting, by rating?
apple app store is such a great store, it's like the app store is on version 8 and the droid marketplace is barely on 1.1, that is how horrible i feel the marketplace is (i have the droid and i have an itouch).
i really don't care for games, but when my fiance wants to play something (if she doesn't have her ds or kindle around, cuz she has a bb) she'll take my itouch and browse...
yea forget browsing on the droid marketplace, it's just a horrible interface.

The droid marketplace is so horrible that if a developer made an app that made the droid marketplace more usable for 9.99 i'd buy that app!
interesting comments and user experiences...

I went from a 2yo iPhone 3g to a Droid X

I LOVE my Droid X

I had many dropped calls a day with ATT / iPhone. NOT ONE with Droid X and Verizon, that includes here in Tampa Bay, and a recent Biz trip to Vegas

I LOVE Swype! took like 10 mins to figure out, and Im smokin fast with it ..
I LOVE ..plug it and drag files over... NO iTunes Control
I LOVE Ringdroid.. makes ringtones from media on the device on the fly...free!
I LOVE the bigger screen.. used as a pocket laptop...the difference is Huge!
I LOVE the speed of my Droid X
I LOVE the integration with my GMail..etc..auto backup of contacts, calender, etc to the cloud is a WIN
I cant wait for Froyo so I can use the Chrome to Phone Extension...
I LOVE no call drops! h8'd that for years.....
I LOVE simple and easy UI customization..etc...
Battery life is same as my old iPhone. Waiting on the Seidio 3500mAh....

there are several other points that have made this a No Brainer for me coming from iPhone... but thats all I remember atm
I had many dropped calls a day with ATT / iPhone.
I've noticed that too. Everyone I know with an iPhone on ATT drops calls like mad, regardless of the iPhone generation. I have noticed that the new iPhone is worse. A buddy of mine just got an iPhone 4 and I have yet to have a phone conversation where he hasn't dropped the call at least once. I initially had problems with my Vibrant but they've been fixed. Data on Tmobile's craptastic network here is slow but at least I don't drop calls.

I LOVE ..plug it and drag files over... NO iTunes Control
That alone is worth switching over. I hated, no loathed, my iPhone when it came time to put videos on it. Now I can load a video right out of the box, no jailbreaking necessary, without converting on any computer. No more worrying about incomparable formats, no waiting for syncs, no more special programs, no waiting until I'm on my computer with my itunes, etc, etc, etc. Hell, I even have my readers setup to unpack videos direct on my phone...plugin, start the download, unplug, watch....it doesn't get any easier than that. iOS's method for managing media is so broken it's retarded.
No more worrying about incomparable formats...
I rarely play videos on my phone so it's been awhile, but I thought Android couldn't play XVID/DIVX. :confused: I knew there was a player that claimed support, but it failed miserably when I tried it. What are you using to playback the videos? Can it play back MKV's too?
I rarely play videos on my phone so it's been awhile, but I thought Android couldn't play XVID/DIVX. :confused: I knew there was a player that claimed support, but it failed miserably when I tried it. What are you using to playback the videos? Can it play back MKV's too?
I've only tried .MKV x264 videos and xvid and they play back flawlessly. If you have a HTPC with something like HellaVCR that downloads HD videos you can watch them without converting. It saves me the trouble of downloading twice/converting.....if I have a business trip and want a movie or TV show I drag the full HD version right to my phone (either 16gb internal or 16gb sd card) and unplug it and go. At that resolution it might kill battery life, take up a ton of storage, and the resolution is wasted on the screen but it's better than spending all day converting videos and syncing them. Plus, I can always use Allshare and stream it out to a PS3, Xbox, Bluray player, etc in all of its HD glory straight from the phone over wifi.

According to Wikipedia my Vibrant plays back the following:
Video codecs
Sorenson codec
DivX HD/ XviD
Video formats
3GP (MPEG-4)
WMV (Advanced Systems Format)
AVI (divx)

From what I've read about the Droid X it does xvid and mkv just fine.
Ah, nevermind, you have one of the Galaxies. From the moment they announced DIVX support + super AMOLED I've been pumped about that device. Freaking Verizon...release it NOW and fix GPS LATER!
ugh just doing to rant in here... im really starting to hate my iphone4
i keep finding basic common sense things that you just cant do with this phone without jumping through hoops, usually involving jail breaking
latest issue: cannot delete individual contacts or calls from your recent call list, come on!
I find it strange that Android users (myself included) have no qualms about rooting their phones and loading custom ROMs, yet they criticize the iPhone because it requires jailbreaking for "serious use."

Anyway, the iPhone 4 is a wonderful phone in Canada (no dropped calls), though I still prefer my Galaxy S ;)
I find it strange that Android users (myself included) have no qualms about rooting their phones and loading custom ROMs, yet they criticize the iPhone because it requires jailbreaking for "serious use."

Anyway, the iPhone 4 is a wonderful phone in Canada (no dropped calls), though I still prefer my Galaxy S ;)

I think the main difference is that there is no company dedicated to breaking your custom rom. ;)
Hahaha! I think we should just rename the thread, "Galaxy S."
Hahaha! I think we should just rename the thread, "Galaxy S."

Well it's the fastest android phone with one of the best displays and has a counterpart on every carrier. The dev community for these phones is already quite large.

I preferrred the Droid X, and still do. Love it! wicked happy I went from iPhone 3G to DX
I find it strange that Android users (myself included) have no qualms about rooting their phones and loading custom ROMs, yet they criticize the iPhone because it requires jailbreaking for "serious use."
I have no plans to root my Galaxy and even unrooted it still does 99% of the things stock that I needed to jailbreak my iPhone for. From what I understand rooting isn't nearly the pain in the ass that jailbreaking was. I stopped updating my phone a few updates ago because the jailbreak process was such a pain in the ass....not so much jailbreaking but the resulting half needed to SSH back into the phone and get my programs back on. Screw that.
the "iphone sux becuz u have 2 jailbrake it" crowd is just silly. To do anything cool with an android phone you have to root it, which involves a bootrom. Jailbreaking an iphone can be done from the web browser with no reboot.

Deciding on a new phone should go like this:

Carrier (which carriers have decent coverage in my area?)
>Phone Selection (what phones am I interested in?)
>>Useability (go into a store and handle a few phones for more than a minute or two)
>>>Features (Are there features that I absolutely need and can I only get them on a particular phone?)
I have no plans to root my Galaxy and even unrooted it still does 99% of the things stock that I needed to jailbreak my iPhone for. From what I understand rooting isn't nearly the pain in the ass that jailbreaking was. I stopped updating my phone a few updates ago because the jailbreak process was such a pain in the ass....not so much jailbreaking but the resulting half needed to SSH back into the phone and get my programs back on. Screw that.

LOL @ calling the jailbreak process a "pain in the ass"

I know, going to a website or running an application that does all the work for you is really, really hard. I mean damn, just go look up the rooting process vs the jailbreak process for yourself before making obviously wrong statements.
the "iphone sux becuz u have 2 jailbrake it" crowd is just silly. To do anything cool with an android phone you have to root it, which involves a bootrom. Jailbreaking an iphone can be done from the web browser with no reboot.
I'm sorry, but did you just say the iphone is better because it can be hacked from visiting infected urls? (really pdfs, but whatever).
To do anything cool with an android phone you have to root it
Wifi tethering, check
Video calls over 3G, check
Full OTA syncing, check
Drag and Drop, check
Carrier freedom, check
Voice to text, check
Google Voice, check
3rd party apps, check
Live wallpapers, check
Multitasking without API limitations, check
Flash support, check
Customization, check
Social network integration, check
Full background processing, check
Automatic app updates, check
Free turn by turn nav, check
Themes, check
Widgets, check
Skins, check
Multiscreen wallpapers, check
I have no plans to root my Galaxy and even unrooted it still does 99% of the things stock that I needed to jailbreak my iPhone for. From what I understand rooting isn't nearly the pain in the ass that jailbreaking was. I stopped updating my phone a few updates ago because the jailbreak process was such a pain in the ass....not so much jailbreaking but the resulting half needed to SSH back into the phone and get my programs back on. Screw that.

Rooting the Galaxy S takes about 5 minutes. I did it on mine and then did the lagfix without ever having done anything like that on a mobile device before. Its not hard to do and so worth while.
LOL @ calling the jailbreak process a "pain in the ass"

I know, going to a website or running an application that does all the work for you is really, really hard. I mean damn, just go look up the rooting process vs the jailbreak process for yourself before making obviously wrong statements.
It's obvious you didn't bother to understand what I wrote.
Installing apps is hard. True story.
Installing apps and saved data that require SSH access is very time consuming. The physical process of jailbreaking itself has never been hard but it's the rest of the hoops you have to jump through that gets tedious. Jailbreaking just to get functionality that other phones natively support is retarded.
Installing apps and saved data that require SSH access is very time consuming. The physical process of jailbreaking itself has never been hard but it's the rest of the hoops you have to jump through that gets tedious. Jailbreaking just to get functionality that other phones natively support is retarded.
If anyone else is reading this, then scp a tarball of your apps/data and untar it on the phone. Takes all of about 10 seconds.


Use one of the app/data backup programs from Cydia (and/or iTunes/iTunes clone).

Blown may have found those two choices tedious, but getting my 3gs and 4g up and running after a jb update (which doesn't happen often) was less involved than rooting my friend's Droid.
I say, neither. You've made it this long on a cheap phone and cheap service. Put the extra cash in the bank / invest it.

Its a couple (to 3) of thousand dollars every couple of years.

edit: I mean you haven't missed it yet, why start now?
Or you could always get a better computer. That is something that really bugs me. There are many people (I'm sure not from this forum) that get the latest gadgets (like the Iphone 4) but have a shitty pc from 2004. It bugs the hell out of me. Why skimp on your PC hardware?
To the OP: get the droid. I wouldn't get an Iphone. They're decent but I have a grudge against Apple. As a side note, even better, get the HTC Evo 4G