iPhone 4S, a new... ehm... a "new" iFlop.

since I read the article and it cast doubt on 1m, 800k, or even 600k per day, pointed out that Apple is on a constant upward slope, and supplied data to question whether google activations (whatever those are) were actually even on the rise, if you actually read it like you said you didn't understand what you read so read it again before posting it across a number of threads

600k has already been hit according to the graph broceritops. The article acknowledges the constant growth, it just disagrees with the % rate of weeky or constant. from 500k. Point is still very well valid. Show me iPhone sales/activations 3 months after a release date brolociraptor?
The only concrete evidence that article demonstrated was the paltry reading comprehension levels in US society these days.

Projections do not mean "has already been hit", they mean if this trend continues then this is what we should see...and the text argues that since we haven't heard anything from Google it doesn't appear as though they hit their projected numbers.

You're pitting all of the "google activations" against a singular company's product line? This is almost embarrassing but since you asked for it (in millions):
Fiscal Year Q1 [Oct-Dec] Q2 [Jan-Mar] Q3 [Apr-Jun] Q4 [Jul-Sep] Total sold
2007 270,000[1] 1,119,000[2] 1,389,000
2008 2,315,000[3] 1,703,000[4] 717,000[5] 6,890,000[6] 11,625,000
2009 4,363,000[7] 3,793,000[8] 5,208,000[9] 7,367,000[10] 20,731,000
2010 8,737,000[11] 8,752,000[12] 8,398,000[13] 14,102,000[14] 39,989,000
2011 16,240,000[15] 18,650,000[16] 20,340,000[17] 55,230,000
Fiscal Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 128,964,000
I'm not sure why that chart only goes up to Q1 when the data for Q2 (18.65M) and Q3 (20.34M) are listed in a table below it.
To previous posters saying that they wouldn't put phones in their back pockets, i know plenty of people that do (women mostly). And just because its curved doesn't mean it's weaker in construction as another poster previously mentioned that arches are stronger. If they employ a design on the prime like the nexus s then you'd know that the panel is straight and the screen just has added "lips" on both sides which doesn't take away from its ability to handle impact at all. Back to the OS pissing contest; although the iphone is the most popular phone, phones using android OS has growth nearly double that of iOS (not including sales spikes of new releases since those aren't constant). Last i checked iOS was still growing at a constant rate of something like 28% which hasn't changed and still pretty decent. I doubt either OS is going anywhere anytime soon, but sure fanboys of either side can continue to same hypocritical argument.

tl:dr : fanboys of either side are idiots
I'm not sure why that chart only goes up to Q1 when the data for Q2 (18.65M) and Q3 (20.34M) are listed in a table below it.
It's just that no one has updated the graph recently. There is a history of the file at the bottom of the page.
I wish this whole Android "activations" number thing would die. Googles not saying what all this number entails and if the number was really that high then the entire known world is running an android.
I wish this whole Android "activations" number thing would die. Googles not saying what all this number entails and if the number was really that high then the entire known world is running an android.

its probably every time an android user has to restore is phone.. thats probably more realistic :p
That does seem a little more realistic. While the mod community isn't quite that large, resetting the phone to day zero would explain a lot.
I had to activate my Droid Incredible (VZW) every time after a wipe / rom change. I wonder if that contributes.
I had to activate my Droid Incredible (VZW) every time after a wipe / rom change. I wonder if that contributes.

i've updated the ROM between my two android phones at least 20-30 times *each*....

so yea, it definitely contributes :)
Lol, was just browsing phone options on Verizon since I'm due for upgrade and saw that there was already a review for the 4S 16GB and automatically thought ":rolleyes:", then I read it and lol'd.

Apple really stepped the cell phone game up with the release of the iPhone 4s. I like this phone because it has apps and wifis. Honestly who really needs a large 4.3 inch screen, 4g, flash support on web pages, true multi-tasking, HDMI ports, Google voice navigation, customizable widgets, homescreens, keyboards, notifications, removable memory and batteries? Not this kid.



Yeah that was great.. I am still gettin a 4S but def worth some laughs.
what do you do when you realize after all this time you have something that is underwhelming while the competition innovates circles around you? you get all litigious on their ass and trump up as much as you can to stifle progress

Adding MOAR POWER and BIGGER SCREENS!!111one isn't actually innovation, until ICS is out Android just isn't very nice to use or particularly efficient.

The screen size is a bummer, but consistency in that, despite the naysayers, is what independent iOS developers LOVE. It's easy to write applications for iOS because they are consistent in resolution ratios.

The screen could have been increased in size to around 3.85" at the same resolution, whilst still maintaining 300DPI (or 'retina'). Would have been nice to see a new design, if only so it feels like having something new.
Unless you're concerned about superficial case changes, it seems like a good upgrade to me.





If you want a keyboard, a larger screen, or don't mind having battery life reduced by current 4G (or just using 3G for better battery life anyway), then I can see going with something else. Otherwise you're looking at the best hardware and developer support at the moment.
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Lol, was just browsing phone options on Verizon since I'm due for upgrade and saw that there was already a review for the 4S 16GB and automatically thought ":rolleyes:", then I read it and lol'd.

Yet the general consensus is, especially around here is that iphone users are the ones who are smug and in your face about their product. It seems to me that most of the android evangelists are like Opera evangelists, always gotta point out how they had something first or is better but in the end no one really cares because to the people complaining the idea that you prefer something else is just unfathomable.
The screen could have been increased in size to around 3.85" at the same resolution, whilst still maintaining 300DPI (or 'retina'). Would have been nice to see a new design, if only so it feels like having something new.

Yah, I thought of that. In order to keep their retina target rez, while maintaining AR, I imagine the iPhone 5 may have a 3.75 or 3.85" display. Of course, the naysayers will still be upset that it wasn't 4.3", but Apple prides themselves on making devices smaller, not bigger. This shouldn't come as a surprise. And based on a link I posted elsewhere, the science behind their decision was so the phone could be operated one handed and your thumb could reach every point on the screen. The bigger Android phones are missing that "feature".
Yah, I thought of that. In order to keep their retina target rez, while maintaining AR, I imagine the iPhone 5 may have a 3.75 or 3.85" display. Of course, the naysayers will still be upset that it wasn't 4.3", but Apple prides themselves on making devices smaller, not bigger. This shouldn't come as a surprise. And based on a link I posted elsewhere, the science behind their decision was so the phone could be operated one handed and your thumb could reach every point on the screen. The bigger Android phones are missing that "feature".

Oh yes operating a large screen phone with one hand is probably difficult. I hadn't thought of that. Well good thing there are both options.
Oh yes operating a large screen phone with one hand is probably difficult. I hadn't thought of that. Well good thing there are both options.

They've probably conducted extensive studies concerning screen sizes. The current size is about perfect for me when holding with one hand. My Program Manager (6 feet tall) also likes the iP4 size. I would have thought he'd like a bigger screen.
Sometimes it can be little things, like being able to fit in my pocket without filling it up completely or just one way. It's a preference. Just because you like a bigger screen does not mean "The people have spoken and they want a bigger screen" Hell, there's still people out there that prefer a phone without a camera!
They've probably conducted extensive studies concerning screen sizes. The current size is about perfect for me when holding with one hand. My Program Manager (6 feet tall) also likes the iP4 size. I would have thought he'd like a bigger screen.

I'm 6'2" and have absolutely no problem using my Infuse with one hand. A Dell Streak 7 might be too big, but complaints of larger than 3.5 being too big is just ridiculous (unless you have miniature hands).
I'm 6'2" and have absolutely no problem using my Infuse with one hand. A Dell Streak 7 might be too big, but complaints of larger than 3.5 being too big is just ridiculous (unless you have miniature hands).

You probably misread my post. My Program Manager is 6", not me. I would have expected him to want a larger screen due to his ham fists, but he is happy with the iP4 size.

Not everyone wants a larger screen.