iPhone 4S vs 50 cal

Awesome video LOL...not going to lie...it hurt a little inside as I'm waiting to pick up my new 4s in an hour
You must not read the front page news often. Steves got you beat by a few days. :)
Awesome, he is either rich, getting paid to do this, or is going to exchange (warranty :))
I can't help but think all these 'destroy expensive gadget X' videos prove no point. esp the idiots who smash a new one in front of people waiting to buy one.
I can't help but think all these 'destroy expensive gadget X' videos prove no point. esp the idiots who smash a new one in front of people waiting to buy one.

It's hilarious imo. It simply reinforces a basic life lesson that so many forget. Other people may, or may not, share your system of value. If someone else feels it is worth $500 to smash a console, or shoot a phone, in front of others lined up desperately wanting to buy one, that is their business. Personally, I find it no more moronic than camping out to get said console, or phone, in the first place. But that is just my opinion.
I can't help but think all these 'destroy expensive gadget X' videos prove no point. esp the idiots who smash a new one in front of people waiting to buy one.

Doesn't it prove some kind of a point when there are hundreds of threads on message boards across the world with identical threads? It gives people something to talk about.

Also doesn't hurt for page views either. But what did you think was going to happen? The iPhone grow wings and fly out of the path of the bullet? Obviously a hole was going to be blown in the thing. Seemingly more interesting to watch this than a bullet being shot through a small block of aluminum and glass, no?