iPhone 6s Plus, dead wifi and Bluetooth?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 26, 2004
Has anyone had their mobile devices wifi/Bluetooth just die on them? Mine has.. maybe.

Quick rundown of what happened: Monday afternoon I went to a friends home and noticed that the wifi wasn’t connecting. This is a network that I set up and it should have joined automatically. I put the key in numerous times, but it wouldn’t join. At that time I noticed my Bluetooth icon grayed out. It wouldn’t turn on, even after fresh restart.

Just ignored it and finished what I was doing.

Later that day all of my apps stopped working minus Safari (sometimes) and Settings. Even with Setting I could only go to certain menus. Reset didn’t work, just lock up.

I was only able to wipe the phone after I did the “Hold Home and Power” thing twice. First install didn’t take.

Now I am back in my phone and wifi and Bluetooth still don’t work.

Is it safe to say the device is dead(dying)?

Also, Pixel 3XL or Samsung S10?

Thank you in advance for any help.
It gave you almost 4 years, so not too bad. I'd say if a factory reset doesn't fix it too, then it's definitely hardware failure of some sort and would replace it.

S10 fo sho between those two and I'm a (happy) Pixel 2 XL user. But I would look strongly at the Oneplus 7 Pro too.
T4rd , thanks for the reply. I’m gonna use it as long as possible. And you’re right, I have had this thing for 4 years, give or take a couple months, so I guess it can be let go.

Was also looking at Asus ROG phone as well. Someone mentioned they are on sale.
If you're going to go S10/10+, go for the Note. I basically traded the S10 for the 10e (I prefer the flat screen) but I also just got the Note in. Really nice device.