iPhone game like (Android) Zombie, Run?


Aug 9, 2004
I have a Droid and my brother has an iPhone.

Is there any game like Zombie, Run! for iPhone?

(Zombie, Run! lets you pick a destination on your map and then you have to avoid Zombies along the way. They appear on your map and pursue you. I had a good time dodging them at the local high school on the way back to my car this morning after soccer.)
While I don't have any input, I would just like to say how awesome it is picking a location clear on the other side of the city and driving there dodging zombies... love it!
Heheh, no, that's not a thread-crap at all.

I played a game going from soccer to the drug store. Had to make sure not to be looking at it while driving. Didn't have to make any turns. Going from drug store to home, I got zapped before I finished backing out of my spot. Note to self: back INTO spots if you want to play Zombie, Drive!
Holy shit, you mean to tell me there are idiots driving around in real cars on real roads while trying to avoid zombies in a game? That is pathetic and dangerous for the people around them.
Holy shit, you mean to tell me there are idiots driving around in real cars on real roads while trying to avoid zombies in a game? That is pathetic and dangerous for the people around them.

ROFL why the hell would anything like this even be allowed/approved by the phone service/manufacturer?
Holy shit, you mean to tell me there are idiots driving around in real cars on real roads while trying to avoid zombies in a game? That is pathetic and dangerous for the people around them.

sadly, yes.
and people are incosiderate (stupid) enough to actually try and play it while driving.

too bad Darwinism doesn't always win when it should :(
cop: how did you manage to run into this tree, sir?

dumbass: I was trying to run over some zombies! see? they're right here on my phone! oh no, run run run! They're gonna get us!

headline in the paper: "Man crashes car running over "zombies" on his phone"

/me thinks you'd be going to the nut house.