Iphone NSString and UTF8String issue

Jan 4, 2009
Hello everyone.

I have recently begun writing my first application for the iphone (well actually the ipad) and am a little hung up on what seems a very small issue. I have to convert data to unicode to send via an NSOutputStream and when I use the built in NSString method for doing so and send the resulting object I am reading the escaped new line character (\n) in the string that is being sent.
If I remove the \n when I make the NSString it is no longer there but neither is the new line I need.

The relevant code is as follows.

        sendData = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"itemset(\"Bar_01\", \"MAT_COLOR[2]\", %d)\n", b];
	rawString =(const uint8_t *)[sendData UTF8String];
	if ([ad.oStream write:rawString maxLength:[sendData length]] < 0) {

thanks for everyone for looking and especially thanks to anyone who solves this.