iPhone Update Melee

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
It seems as though the latest iPhone update has brought not only relocked phones, but also some bricks as well.

As for unlocked iPhones, you should probably hold off for the time being. The most serious problems we're hearing so far relate to iPhone Dev Team's anySIM unlock, which has left some iPhones "bricked" with an "Incorrect SIM" error message (seen above). That's not to say a workaround won't be found in the future, but for now anySIM users should certainly stay away from 1.1.1. SuperSIM and TurboSIM users are also advised not to update, but we have less solid info about that.
If the hacker community takes more then a week to crack this they should be ashamed.
What I don't understand is if you have a hacked phone why would you go and install the latest updates? You know Apple is gioing to do everything possible to keep these phones locked and if they cant keep them locked there going to brick them.
What they could do is come out with a mandatory update. I wouldn't put it past Apple.
The Apple Führer strikes again.

Die Eier von Satan...

Sorry, Tool came to mind.
More fool the people who actually bought one of these over-priced and underperforming POS's.