Ipod issue


Mar 15, 2006
I've had the damnedest problem with my 80gb ipod classic recently. Whenever I connect it to my computer I am able to load roughly 14gb worth of music fine and they play as normal but after that margin itunes give me an error message and wont add more. I've tried using winamp but it does basically the same thing, just slowing down to almost a standstill after i hit about the 14gb mark. I have tried restoring the ipod with itunes multiple times but that didnt fix it and I've tried reformatting the thing but only quick format works and full format seems to freeze. Whenever I hook it up to my pc my pc prompts me to scan and fix errors on it but that does absolutely nothing to fix the problem. Does anyone know how to get this guy working.
"margin itunes"? Maybe the iPod is broken, dont buy an iPod lol. Have you ever tried an older metal back plate Sansa ? Or the amazing equalizer on the Sony Walkman Mp3? I loathe itunes with a passion, drag and drop all the way
I told you it most like has a defective part , ie broken, if you have formatted and reset it to hell. What else did you expect?
Your hard drive is probably corrupted. It's probably cheaper to just pick up a used iPod rather than trying to fix it.
I had a freezing, or random "green to orange" flashing light issue with my iPod Shuffle, and a restore would help it for a few days.

Though this isn't the same device, I had the same frustrations, and ultimately had to buy a new one.
Replacing iPod parts is not too difficult, but people are scrambling for the parts on eBay which brings the price up. Generally, like they said, it is best to purchase another iPod or music device as the cost of fixing the broken iPod would end up coming close, or costing more than a new one. And that's without a guarantee that it will work when you replace said part.

I had to buy 3 iPod motherboards from eBay, as the first two did not work properly. Grr
Sounds like you fried you Ipod. Look on ecost they always deals on electronics you can probably get one for a decent price there