iPod problem to the extreme


Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2005
Ive really tried everything. Those factory resets, that update software, everything! None of it is working. Im not really sure what my iPod generation is, but it is the 40gig with the click wheel. I connect my ipod to my usb port in the back of my computer, and it will be recognized for a certain amount of seconds. I would try running format on it then, but the hard drive would stop and restart, and the apple logo would come up, and my computer lost the connection. I tried to let it charge in a hi-speed usb port at the back of my computer over night for about nine hours and it didnt charge. When I start it up, I get the folder exclamation point error and then the battery error, then the apple logo comes up again. Is there a way I can physically wipe the hard drive, or not send it away for repairs and fix this problem? Is it the battery or the file thats giving me problems, because this seems not to charge as its plugged in into the back of my computer as I am staring down at it. Its just a blank screen, and when I try to start it up using those menu/select and menu/leftbutton or menu/play/pause and get it into disk mode, it wont work, and the ipod just boots up normally. What should I do? I tried looking at all the online FAQs and the such, please help!

the USB port may not be a high-powered usb port, but my MX-518 doesnt complain, neither does my Extreme 3D Pro joystick. WTF?
Yeah basically screwed. Well You do have the iPod 4G. Same one I have. (Assuming black and white screen not video).

That may narrow your searches a bit. As for the problems, I have never heard of this. I wish I could help more.

If I get time, I'll try to track down a solution for you.
My computer now, recognizes the ipod from time to time because the hard drive keeps restarting. I charged it, and now it boots up easier and for a couple seconds more. Sometimes it even says Do Not Disconnect and it seems is updating, and I got then OK to disconnect message and I disconnected as it told me. What should I do? I can access the HDD and it says all memory is used up, and I cannot format it because it takes way to long. Suggestions, anyone?
Sounds like maybe a defective HDD. Did you drop the iPod ever? You could have damaged the motor, knocked it off balance, any number of things.
It was my friends, and since he couldnt fix it (said the error was from a corrupted file?) he gave it to me, and I am going to fix this and rub it in his face anyway possible. He really didnt bring his ipod many places so I really dont know if he dropped it at all. Is there a way I can open the iPod up at all and see if the motor is knocked of balance? is there some sort of restart button under that shiny white faceplate?
Well, It is now fully recognized and shows up in my computer and disk drives and all that jazz, but iTunes and the iPod updater doesnt recognize? It is connected.
My 2g iPod passed away last month, after 4 years of use. I've battled it through those years, past nearly cataclysmic events. I gtta say, opening iPods does wonders. They start working with some fresh air inside. It might just fix your problem as it had mine thousands of times. Just pry it open, remove the HD, and let it breathe. Unless your HD went drummerboy like mine and started clicking non-stop, you can probably have it running again.
Where and what did you use to open your ipod? Im trying to use a guitar pick, but it just wont budge.
Ok, so I'm trying the pick thing, trying different attack styles =D and it won't go in far enough, so I tried a pocket knife. That didn't work so well. Scratched the acrillic case. =D. Just like I said not to do. So yeah, don't do it.
I'm going to bed for the night, I'l keep trying to get mine open and post my results tomorrow. For tonight, thats all I can do for you. If you get it open, post your results for me. I would like to know how you make out.
I got so pissed being careful with my ipod I just like slammed my fist on it, it booted up, I restored it and im updating now. ROFL.
My brother's iPod (3G, 15GB) had a similar problem. After trying everything I could think of, I opened the case. I used a pocket knife, very carefully, and managed to get it open with only one nearly unnoticeaable mark in the seam. I disconnected the hold switch, HD, and battery. Reconnected everything, and put it all back together. It has worked ever since.

If it makes any difference, I had it plugged in while I worked on it. I figured it couldn't make much of a difference since there isn't any real way to turn the iPod off anyway.
is it normal for an ipod to take a maddd long time to update?

I restored mine after punching it and the HDD went back on balance and its working, and now its updating and its been going for maybe 20-30 mins maybe more and still hasnt finished yet.
I've never done it on a PC, but it only takes a couple minutes on my Mac.
If there is an Apple store near you, don't bother working on this. Take it into the Genius Bar and they will fix it for you, that's why Apple has retail stores, so people don't have to do phone troubleshooting as much (let's face it, it's almost useless) and can actually get things fixed. If that's not convenient, then let's see here...

It sort of sounds like your hard drive is having trouble. Since you hit the iPod and it started working (sort of) it's possible that you made the hard drive work again at least for a little while. It might not be updating since it's still having hard drive trouble. Put your ear up to the iPod and if it sounds like a dying/troubled hard drive there you go. If it takes that long to update then I'd say quit. Download the newest iPod updater and do a factory restore. You might also charge it before you do this, it takes up a lot of battery to restore sometimes.
sounds like a defective HD to me. I had a similar situation and had to get a replacement from Apple.
chew63 said:
sounds like a defective HD to me. I had a similar situation and had to get a replacement from Apple.

same here...got a new 60GB video for my 4th gen 20GB :D

Maybe you'll have similar luck, that is if it's under warranty