iPods Banned In Gates’ House?

Not very surprising since who is going to admit they use the competitors stuff.

Man, this iThing and Windows thing is going to be the trigger that sets off WWIII.
This is only good business sense. If you sell Ford cars, why would you sell another brand?
I don't see why they would be banned, MSFT owns about $1 billion in non-voting shares and I'm sure Gates owns some Apple stock as well.
This is only good business sense. If you sell Ford cars, why would you sell another brand?

Why not? Can you only buy one brand of anything when you go to a grocery store?

Just look at the cereal isle, would it make any sense if a grocer only sold the cheap generic cereals that taste like crap?

Now dealerships only selling from one company probably has more to do with car manufacturers either jacking up prices or not selling cars at all to dealerships who sell vehicles from other manufacturers.
Why not? Can you only buy one brand of anything when you go to a grocery store?

Just look at the cereal isle, would it make any sense if a grocer only sold the cheap generic cereals that taste like crap?

Now dealerships only selling from one company probably has more to do with car manufacturers either jacking up prices or not selling cars at all to dealerships who sell vehicles from other manufacturers.
Today 12:44 AM

If you are in the selling business, (Microsoft or other) it makes sense to let customers know you have faith in your own product. I was using cars as an example.
I back Gates 110% if he says no Apple "products" in his home. Look at it this way. Apples go rotten in a couple weeks whereas windows last as long as you don't take a sledge hammer to them. Catch my drift? :)
my buddy has gone through three 80gb ipods in the same time frame that i've owned my one 30gb zune. ipods are freakin' fragile. couple that with the fact that this is bill gates freakin' house we're talking about and it really makes a lot of sense.
/rant on

My 30GB Zune that cost me $99 2 years ago still has a better screen than anything I can find from apple, and its going strong with constant updates, and its own wifi that syncs it with my PC without me touching... a thing. I leave it in my work bag, anywhere my house wifi can pick it up, and drag an mp3 into a folder on my pc, and viola, I dont have to do anything else. And after 2 years, I've actually GAINED functions over what I bought it with. Also plays formats the iPods cant touch without re-conversion. Oh and there's MORE... if I want to, I can buy a 120 gb HD and just open my Zune and replace my 30 GB HD ! ... oh and is there more? .. oh heck yea, I can replace my own battery!

There is your product superiority, longevity advantage, and utility gain, that is found lacking in Apple products made to function as a Service rather than a product. Apple wants you to keep buying, and pays more for its image than its products.

Phone wise, a Blackberry is far superior in my book and more pleasant to use with real tactile feedback, its trackball, and all... I find it hard to believe anyone with a neutral utilitarian mindset would chose an iphone touch-screen over the Blackberry setup.

ok, /rant off

Logically speaking, this article is just flame bait, it makes Business sense that its banned and nothing else. Of-course, logical arguments can be made for the decision, but it would be irrelevant since the primary business decision is so upfront and forthright.
im sure he definately wouldent buy a windows mobile for one of his kids, becuase they would kill themselves a week later... ive owned like 10 winmo phones and every single one has ended up embedded in a wall from frustration... my iphone has survived 6 months without meeting drywall
You think you would ever see a Chevy at Fords house?

My dad works at Severstal NA, which used to be the steel plant for Ford Motor Company in Detroit. Ford still has an assembly plant next door. You see all sorts of cars there from Chevy to Toyota to Hyundai to Mitsubishi. It always make me chuckle every time I drive past that plant to have lunch with dad when I'm in town.
im sure he definately wouldent buy a windows mobile for one of his kids, becuase they would kill themselves a week later... ive owned like 10 winmo phones and every single one has ended up embedded in a wall from frustration... my iphone has survived 6 months without meeting drywall

I'm on my 2nd Winmo phone in 3 years
Meanwhile, the guy sitting next to me in my office is on his 4th iPhone in less than a year

I can play the perspective game too!
I've actually banned all Apple products from my household years ago.
Apple is one of the companies that support all the corrupt liberal causes and polititians out here in California that have ruined this state.
If I was Bill's kid I wouldn't even consider using a competitor's product. Dad's multi-billion dollar empire would be worth more to me than a cheesy phone.

If I was Bill, I wouldn't want my family using Apple products. Just imagine how Apple would use that info in their totally truthful and non-confrontational advertising :rolleyes:

Why is this even news?
Apple is one of the companies that support all the corrupt liberal causes and polititians out here in California that have ruined this state.
...as well as making some pretty healthy contributions to a state economy that's basically in shambles. How many high-paid workers does Apple employ here in California, do you think?
I'm on my 2nd Winmo phone in 3 years
Meanwhile, the guy sitting next to me in my office is on his 4th iPhone in less than a year

I can play the perspective game too!

becuase he breaks them? or becuase they are so aweful to use that smashing it seems like the best course of action? becuase thats been the fate of all of my winmo phones... im not saying that these are defective phones, its just a defective os

everything was a mission, i would think...

"do i really want to look this up online? is it worth the frustration?"

with the iphone, i just click safari, look up whatever i need to lookup and go about my day
...as well as making some pretty healthy contributions to a state economy that's basically in shambles. How many high-paid workers does Apple employ here in California, do you think?

Not enough to pay for all wasteful spending voted on by the people they help elect.

Liberal: Someone who is generous with other peoples money.
Not enough to pay for all wasteful spending voted on by the people they help elect.

Liberal: Someone who is generous with other peoples money.

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
3. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression
4. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant
5. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
3. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression
4. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant
5. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

Not to get of topic, but that's the definition of a classic liberal. and doesn't really apply to the liberals of the last 20 years. About the only part that applies to todays Liberals is the "not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values", in fact they seem to distain traditional ideals and values.

Try explaining the Conservative viewpoint on an issue to a Liberal and you will find out how intolerant and prejudice they are nowdays.
I started by reading about no apple products in gate's house, and now am enthralled by the discussion of what liberal stands for.....jking, funny thread though
I doubt they're banned because they're Apple. I have a feeling it's more that the Gates don't see the value of them or disagree with them for some reason. A parental thing.

Personally, I think they're overpriced toys. I'm rather happy with my 5 year old Creative Zen Xtra. I think all I really want is a car deck with a USB jack that accepts USB sticks though honestly. As for phones, mine is so retro it makes people gasp but the thing is like 5 years old and a total champ for usability and reliability.
Not to get of topic, but that's the definition of a classic liberal. and doesn't really apply to the liberals of the last 20 years. About the only part that applies to todays Liberals is the "not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values", in fact they seem to distain traditional ideals and values.

Try explaining the Conservative viewpoint on an issue to a Liberal and you will find out how intolerant and prejudice they are nowdays.

That's the definition of a liberal, some people along the line just decided to start calling democrats liberals (which, at one point, they may have been).

Conservative hardly fits the republican party either, as all the republicans seem to be doing lately is in taking a stance against liberty.

I would definitely name myself a conservative liberal, being that I hold a lot of the views of the original conservatives of this country (against US interference with other countries, small federal government, etc) yet I am for personal freedom and am for progress in government funded science and technology. :p

Also, I tend to find that most republicans are the least tolerant. I don't think you'll find too many democrats who have a blind hatred for gays, atheists, etc like some republicans.
I'm just going to post a warning about making this a soapbox thread and making me have to close it. Try to stay on topic.
whats a soapbox thread? sorry, just started posting on forums and have not heard that one before.
I wonder if they [Gates] banned computers that are running Linux? What bs.
Im sure other ceo's besides Bill who dont own their own companies are under contract to not use competing products or their job is over if caught., just like celebrities.

While the point about not promoting your competitin I can go along with...I had to lol at the though of anyone trying to "fire" Bill Gates. I relativly sure he is not under any contract limiting his behavior. Plus he's "retired" too.