iRam Questions

Magik Smoke

Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2004
Has anybody set up two of these as a stripe set on separate controllers?

If so, how did the disk throughput look?
Well, you managed to miss the point of the iRam entirely. The advantage isn't the uber-leet transfer rates, it's the close-to-nonexistent seek times. Striping them won't improve most things, except drive capacity.

But to answer the question, I'd expect in the neighborhood of 280 MB/s: 150 MB/s * 2 - some overhead.

Ok from the reports I've seen, iRam is maxing out the interface for sata. The idea is to saturate one, two or hell maybe even three of thos interfaces.

If you sit up all three to be a stripe set you have three interfaces to saturate.

Taking the iRam from a quaint little gizmo that runs your paging file really fast, up into a legitimite 12gig solid state storage system with tripple the throughput and zero seak times.

If you can get a setup like that to work, the disk system would no longer be a bottle neck. (For the first time ever in any home PC system)
someone on this forum posted that he knew a guy who set them up in RAID-0, however it appears that either the poster or his friend were not the brightest of the bunch, considering that they claimed that 2 x 4GB iRAM in RAID-0 provided them with a total of 4GB of space...

I would say that there is no reason why this should not work, but I am wondering how much juice 3 or 4 fully filled iRAMs will suck from the Standby rail and whether your PSU can supply that.
also make sure your irams are plugged into a sata controller that is pci-e or pci-x, as pci bus is only 133MB/sec max.
Yes the Iram can be striped, I had a thread going for a while with benchmarks and revies on running RAID0... it's incredibly fast... my plan is to get the IRAM2 when it comes out and put it down on RAID0.
First off, I have digested Anand's article on this topic. Here's my twist:
I'm building a new system with 4x Raptor 150's in a RAID 0+1 array. If I use a 4 GB iRAM as a paging file for XP Pro, will it not be more efficient than not having a 5th drive for the paging file, since accessing the paging file would cause all 4 drives to actually read/write to their respective sectors ?

I have the memory sticks lying around and they wont be used otherwise so the cost involved is only for the iRAM card.