Iran Cuts Off Internet Access

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Breaking news: Iran cuts off Internet access to the entire country. Not breaking news: Workplace productivity is up 1000%. :D

An individual inside the country confirmed this morning that Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo email are no longer available. Ditto for Facebook. So far, the government has not made any announcement about the service interruption.
Haven't they already learned that cutting off the internet leads to revolutions:D

You got to imagine all those teens going crazy about not being able to check Facebook! It can get pretty dangerous. :D
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Maybe because they are western services and can be used to collect data on their population? No different than what google et al already do with us.
Yea, this is great. We don't have to sanction or invade, the government will instigate a revolution against itself. Brilliant.
To be honest, Internet time is really my "Break Time". If I ever didn't have break time it would just become "Stand up and walk around to the break room" time.
Oh MY! All the great sites originate in IRAN! (I know it's more of an issue getting out, as opposed to data getting in) You mean all the bombers are now going to have to find their own blueprints from previous bombers? :D

In all seriousness... why do I care again? It is an interesting bit of info, though.
The TOR guys have a solution for this. It's not done but it works. They are taking volunteers to host nodes now.
This lines up well with the rumors of Kim Jon-Un's assassination that have been whirling around today.
wonder if it has something to do with the on going tensions with almost all other countries out there :)
Oh MY! All the great sites originate in IRAN! (I know it's more of an issue getting out, as opposed to data getting in) You mean all the bombers are now going to have to find their own blueprints from previous bombers? :D

In all seriousness... why do I care again? It is an interesting bit of info, though.

You gotta feel bad for the people, individuals, civilians, living inside of the country, who don't have the freedoms we do, to explore the Internet. I feel for those people, it wasn't their choice, and they are being forced into this censoring.

Makes me feel blessed I live in this country.
Cutting off popular web services is a stupid way to control the population because it's so in-your-face. People are easy to control, just as long as you're not blatantly doing it. Look at America, where the Republicratic party gets 99% of the vote every presidential election, yet people think they have a choice of leaders.
Cutting off popular web services is a stupid way to control the population because it's so in-your-face. People are easy to control, just as long as you're not blatantly doing it. Look at America, where the Republicratic party gets 99% of the vote every presidential election, yet people think they have a choice of leaders.

our government just adds the control little bits at a time.
if it was above your reading level that's one thing, but let's not make foolish statements.

Must be over your head...

Iran can function just fine without the bothersome pollution of the free press and intarwebs, just ask them. OTOH, I want the hours back I wasted reading all of Ayn Rands ramblings and self centered crap. I rate her on par with Richard Bach and Jonathon Livingston Seagull. That changed my life too. I went out and killed something.
if it was above your reading level that's one thing, but let's not make foolish statements.


There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

What would Ayn Rand do?

Who cares...I rather like James Rachels' response to the question "Are humans always selfish?" in the book Classic Philosophical Questions with his response "Humans are not always selfish" wherein he includes as a footnote to his essay:

I take this to be the view of Ayn Rand, in so far as I understand her confusing doctrine.

So, to my interpretation, Ayn Rand considers us to be self-centered assholes who have no desire to act as anything but under the doctrine of ethical egoism (crudely put, that we should act only selfishly). The whole point of Rachel' essay was to completely disprove psychological egoism (crudely put, that we do act only selfishly) and take ethical egoism and say it isn't an absolute answer.

TL;DR version: Ayn Rand is full of garbage.
Rand did at least somewhat seem to believe her own philosophical "theories". Though she always seemed far less "honest", and seemed to make less sense than Nietzsche. Not that it matters.

At this point it is either and attempt at self defense against outside cyber attack, or an attempt to prevent unfavorable knowledge from entering or exiting Iran. Prolly a bit of both to be honest.
Cutting off popular web services is a stupid way to control the population because it's so in-your-face. People are easy to control, just as long as you're not blatantly doing it. Look at America, where the Republicratic party gets 99% of the vote every presidential election, yet people think they have a choice of leaders.

Nicely put.
Imagine this.

You wake up, step outside, and its 104oF in the shade.

Your balls are sweaty and sand is already starting to get into your various nooks and crannies.

There's no sex out of wedlock, and you can't even get any eyecandy as porn is outlawed and all the chicks are wearing ghost costumes.

Per capita GDP is only around $4K a year, but you finally managed to save up for one of those Android Africa laptops that can't even play minecraft, to try and get online only to find out the government turned the internet off.

Personally, I'd be pretty irritable.

This is how terrorism is born.
Now can anyone tell me why we want to destroy that country? Thats the part of the puzzle I'm missing.
Imagine this.

You wake up, step outside, and its 104oF in the shade.

Your balls are sweaty and sand is already starting to get into your various nooks and crannies.

There's no sex out of wedlock, and you can't even get any eyecandy as porn is outlawed and all the chicks are wearing ghost costumes.

Per capita GDP is only around $4K a year, but you finally managed to save up for one of those Android Africa laptops that can't even play minecraft, to try and get online only to find out the government turned the internet off.

Personally, I'd be pretty irritable.

This is how terrorism is born.
You've got the wrong country, you know. Iran's got some pretty beautiful landscapes and at least as far as Tehran goes, certainly beats Topeka and Tulsa. Probably more religious freedom in Tehran too. :p

The lack of porn will be upsetting, but the women are pretty hot and are not in 'ghost costumes.' Just colored headscarves. Most of the outrage will be people in coffee shops on MacBook Airs who can't check their email anymore.
Yeah, the dress code in Iran is more loose than Saudi Arabia. Infact, they aren't Arabs. They just have a government that isn't quite the same as the people there.