Irony thy name be MW2


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2003
So does anyone else see the irony that Infinity Ward made a big deal about all the cheaters using party chat and they have produced the most glitched game I have ever seen on xbox? Maybe if they would have spent just a little time on game balance and net code and less time on chat control this game would have been as good as the original. Who else is disappointed?
Modern Warfail.

Still probably the best multiplayer FPS on consoles but everyone is waiting for Bad Company 2 for PC.
i took a 2 week break from MW2 MP after hitting level 51 i just got bored with it and the glitches started to show up. so i decided to play a couple matches last night and it was less then fun, i lost match points twice because of lag and server migration time outs. plus some douche in the first map i played was running around with marathon and dual shot guns i couldn't even get a shot off before he would kill me. and it is camper central.

the game really needs some balancing tweaks and net code fixes the more people playing the worse the lag is getting from my experience's playing on 360.
How about "We don't need a public beta, we've got a private group testing it and they've done a great job" or whatever it was that IW said.

Right, because a private company of 20 can find more bugs than 100,000 angry, whiny kids who live to find exploits...

Anyways, IW posted via twitter yesterday that they're working on a bunch of fixes and they're going to tweet what they are and their time frame in the near future.
Ah I'm so glad somebody made a MW2 vent thread because after the shit I seen last night...

I get home home from the office, kiss the kids, talk to the wife and I grab a beer, go to my ht room and sit down and startup a game of Domination. When I join the game all I can here is phew phew! once I'm in I see everyone firing missles and nade launchers with rapid fire (the reload glitch I read about but havent seen) and it was fun fun for about 2 seconds so I exit the match next one I join same thing, only when I jump in somebody is in a AC130 with rapid fire hell raining down. Later on I end up in another match with the glitch running so I joined maybe 6 different sessions last night and 3 of those were people using the no reload glitch.

IMHO this game shouldn't have this many glitches in it, IW knew everyone would be playing the hell out of multiplayer and this game should have been beta tested up the ass.
I personally find the glitches interesting. I got real pissed off on how the game can suck as bad as it does. The more I play it the more I think the game should have a 3 or 4 out of 10 rating if that.

It drives me nuts to die after dropping half a mag of 308 into someone and get killed. I watch the replay and it shows me dieing without firing a single shot. The lag kills along with the horrible weapons(why the fuck is the barret 50 cal a 2 shot kill?) were a joke. This is on top of the 1897 shotguns and knifing people from 15 feet away.

With the glitches you can sit there and just have a match with everyone doing unlimited grenade shots. Gets pretty funny. Was in Rust the other day and someone on the other team got an ac130 and was using the unlimited ammo glitch(yea we as a team were screwed). Have to say it was funny listening to everyone scream in fear.

The game is one of the worst games in recent memory for bugs.
Ah I'm so glad somebody made a MW2 vent thread because after the shit I seen last night...

I get home home from the office, kiss the kids, talk to the wife and I grab a beer, go to my ht room and sit down and startup a game of Domination. When I join the game all I can here is phew phew! once I'm in I see everyone firing missles and nade launchers with rapid fire (the reload glitch I read about but havent seen) and it was fun fun for about 2 seconds so I exit the match next one I join same thing, only when I jump in somebody is in a AC130 with rapid fire hell raining down. Later on I end up in another match with the glitch running so I joined maybe 6 different sessions last night and 3 of those were people using the no reload glitch.

IMHO this game shouldn't have this many glitches in it, IW knew everyone would be playing the hell out of multiplayer and this game should have been beta tested up the ass.

From what I hear the rapid fire glitch is sort of like a virus, once you join a game that it's happening it's saved on your 360's cache and on every new game where you're the host it'll be rapid fire. Supposedly the way to get rid of it is to turn the 360 off, unplug the ethernet cable, and turn it back on.

I play mostly MTDM and haven't run into it nor the private room glitches yet (I did see the private room glitches whilst trying to join a game of Ground War with some friends though).
I have yet to see the rapid fire glitch. I am seeing small lag issues like stated above where you fire allot but nothing happens. Not often but I do it from time to time. What ticks me off is when I see someone and duck behind a corner but it shows me dying after already behind the corner, kill cam shows something else.
I have yet to see the rapid fire glitch. I am seeing small lag issues like stated above where you fire allot but nothing happens. Not often but I do it from time to time. What ticks me off is when I see someone and duck behind a corner but it shows me dying after already behind the corner, kill cam shows something else.

It can be pretty funny. I was in a match on Rust where the entire game was lagging out because of the rapid fire from an ac-130 and a few other things in the air like a harrier. Game ended up crashing with an error message accross the screen.
Modern Warfail.

Still probably the best multiplayer FPS on consoles but everyone is waiting for Bad Company 2 for PC.

meh, id rather play with the MILLIONS of people online on consoles instead of the 100k that MIGHT be on PC for BC2.

Ill pick up BC2 on console at this point 2. Ive just given up on playign most PC games MP anymroe.
i haven't encountered the rapid fire glitch, but i did run into the javelin glitch. that was annoying.
It says a lot about the game that, by far, the most fun I've ever had playing it was arguably by playing it the "wrong way." Knife Witch (Marathon Pro, Commando Pro, Lightweight Pro + Tac Knife) is extremely unbalanced (no fall damage? really IW?) but it's at least somewhat reasonable - if you run into anybody at <8 feet, they're dead, but any longer range and you need to have a fallback to survive. Not so with those fucking double shotguns, which are indeed the most retarded gun loadout I've ever seen. They have NO weakness. As long as you can put your reticle somewhere near an enemy's body, they're dead. Doesn't matter the range, doesn't matter the gun they have. No long reloading times, no decreased accuracy, no slow movement to compensate for their power. Fucking stupid.

Luckily, I didn't buy the game. My roommate did, and I was obsessively borrowing it from him for awhile. Did the first 15 levels straight through in one day. Haven't even played it in a week because it's devolved into the same predictable shit, and if your team isn't better than the other team, you die a fuckton of horseshit deaths because the other team has 3 Harriers, 2 AC-130s, stealth bombers, jamming your radar etc. AT THE SAME TIME.
It's definitely a love hate relationship. I have a ton of fun with the game when you get the right parties together. But it can also be the worst game I have ever laid eyes on when you can't find a match (anytime you have more then 1 person in a party) or can't find a non-glitched match (3 out of 5 tries last night for me were glitches) or run into a whole team of akimbo dog rapists. And I'm not so sure that some of the lag issues aren't hosts manipulating their connections.

It's simply amazing they didn't have a beta and have not been able to get patches out quickly enough. I haven't touched single player but the multiplayer experience is falling from grace quickly and I would rate as one of the worst multiplayer experiences I have had.
meh, id rather play with the MILLIONS of whining kids online on consoles instead of the 100k that MIGHT be on PC for BC2.

Fixed for you... But in all honesty - really? If you're on a full server on either, whats the difference? TF2 and L4D do just fine and they have what, some 20k consistent player base ( and have no problem. I don't think you make a valid point at all.
Im glad Im not experiencing these cheaters....probably because Steam fails to update my MW2 and it wont run and you cannot patch without steam...They say there is no problem.
Matchmaking is completely fucked now.

I've been playing on 360 and I almost solely play Domination but now there is a glitch that allows private matches to go public. It ends up every single game I join is 9v9 in an unending Domination match and almost always on Rust. 50% of the time I join a Domination queue and get put in 18 player free for all. And it's always on fucking Rust!
Fixed for you... But in all honesty - really? If you're on a full server on either, whats the difference? TF2 and L4D do just fine and they have what, some 20k consistent player base ( and have no problem. I don't think you make a valid point at all.

20k, wow!!

Checked tonight my MW2 had 200k+ people playing.

I still play games like Total war and Dragon Age on PC, but all the hax that instantly come out and the same bitchy kids on PCs(such a lame console excuse you have), might as well play where there is always action for every game type.

MW2 specifically has about 20 game types? On the PC id imagine you have some modes with hardly any playing.
Every single time I have logged into wm2 TDM has at least 108k playing. I have never had a problem getting into a game. Some of the other modes are usually around the 10-60k range apiece.
the glitches are annoying, nice to see they fixed the javelin glitch. i'd like to see them disable knife w/ the care package marker. the shotguns are pretty cheap, as much fun as i have using them i'll be fine with them taking away akimbo, or lessening the range or rate of fire.

what bothers me most is that i play 95% headquarters, and once you get into games w/ people who are prestiged all they do is sit and camp and treat it like a 20 minute team death match. no one tries to camp it's friggin retarded.
So does anyone else see the irony that Infinity Ward made a big deal about all the cheaters using party chat and they have produced the most glitched game I have ever seen on xbox? Maybe if they would have spent just a little time on game balance and net code and less time on chat control this game would have been as good as the original. Who else is disappointed?

IW have pretty much been knocked down to my 'wait a month before buying' list at this point

- Matchmaking is so horribly fucked, so much so that I've resorted to playing free for all. Any more than two players and good luck getting into games with all of your party.

- Ground War requires an act of God to enter into with a full party. We call it the "matchmaking" game. It's like developers test of your will as to how bad you actually want to play their game with your friends. In an hour of time last weekend we managed to play ONE game to completion with our entire party without a lagout, people being dropped when the lobbies merged, or at game start

The Lag in that playlist borders on incredulous, had the same problem in Cod 4 and World at War

- The fact that everyone plays with dual 1887's or rangers is annoying

- Lightweight + Commando + Marathon + Care Package Glitch = super fucking annoyance. I'll take Javelins over that, at least I can snipe those guys from a distance and watch them explode

- the private match/infinite ammo/rust map thing, warping our party out of regular matchmaking 5 or 6 times a night. The fact that this can happen basically invalidates the reasons I moved from PC to Xbox Live

- somebody else said this in another post, and I'll echo it: I feel like I have to kit out based on dealing with the annoyance builds that 50% of the people use, and that's not what the game is about. If I'm getting beat by teams who are better/sneakier/more skilled/more tactical, etc. I have no problem with that.

I refuse to use those builds just to get by. It sucks the fun out of the game for me

The only positive thing that has come from this whole debacle is the 18 person free-for-all matches I keep getting thrown into. Those are a riot. They should tweak the spawn points and make that a 50-kills-to-win playlist. It's pure chaos and totally fun, for a while. Then the spawn camping gets real old

And I don't want to hear any L2P shit, or any of that, I do just fine on the scorecard most of the time. This game has issues, not always, but the majority of the time. I've played it almost every night since it released, and it's been on a downward slide lately as far as "quality of experience" is concerned. I'm honestly surprised that MS hasn't spoken more publicly about the host bug, because that's some serious egg on their face for their XBL service. Cheaters in party chat has been blown right out the window in terms of "worth complaining about", but I never had issues with that in the first place.

Edit: To whoever said they've never experienced the glitch or party issues. The host glitch thing doesn't seem to happen in TDM regular. I've seen it in: TDM express, Ground War, Third Person, Free for All, Domination, Headquarters, Mosh Pit, and a few I'm surely forgetting.

Ran into a new one tonight when we tried to load the Third Person playlist. 30+ person Free for All with teams on Rust. You have blue and green and red names, but you can kill everyone like it was free for all. Took me about one minute to quit.
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anyone ever had this happen to them?

i was playing ground war last night domanation on sub, and the game wouldn't end. the team scores were 2180 to 2000 before the game crashed and i got some weird error message.

i do enjoy playing MW2 mp they just need to fix a lot of little things imop.
Mac[X-D];1035071204 said:
anyone ever had this happen to them?

i was playing ground war last night domanation on sub, and the game wouldn't end. the team scores were 2180 to 2000 before the game crashed and i got some weird error message.

i do enjoy playing MW2 mp they just need to fix a lot of little things imop.

Yeah I had the same thing happen to me on rust but didn't recieve a message I just quit eventually. I was playing Domination and got thrown it to Ground war.

And the private match bug is getting alot worse, I ran into about 6 times last night so if you get in a good rotation don't back out cuz it's gonna take you some time to fine another one.
Mac[X-D];1035071204 said:
anyone ever had this happen to them?

i was playing ground war last night domanation on sub, and the game wouldn't end. the team scores were 2180 to 2000 before the game crashed and i got some weird error message.

i do enjoy playing MW2 mp they just need to fix a lot of little things imop.

That is one of the glitches we are talking about. Only way to really end the game is a nuke. When you setup your game for that glitch you can really screw with the other settings as well. I've been in domonation matches where it was really a free for all and they didn't even have the flags on it.