IRQL-not-less-or-equal Vista 32


Limp Gawd
Mar 30, 2005
I get that error on occasion while booting into Vista Premium 32bits.... the system is very stable, and this is the only problem i have (just started a few days ago)......

how can you troubleshoot something like this ? :mad:



Gigabyte DS3 3.3
core 2 due 6600
2 gb geil ddr 800
8600 gts
IIRC thats a driver issue, most likely video, i've seen that a few times on my vista system, im running nvidia beta drivers though.
well the whole problem started after messing with nvidia beta drivers, i removed them and installed the whql drivers, yet the problem remains.....

i was starting to think my video card was bad, but the whole system runs through games flawlessly for hours, i am confused, why during boot only, and why not every time ?
this thing is driving me crazy..... :eek:
can you do a restore to before you installed the beta drivers? im not sure if there is a driver cleaner for vista.
i guess that might be tricky since i disable system restore an all the machines i use....

i'll mess with it and see..........
I used to get that error in XP if I overclocked my memory too hard...Vista might be different though. When I researched it, I found that it was usually either from a driver problem or a memory problem (bad memory too).
If you already went back to the WHQL drivers, time to run memtest on your memory sticks. I started getting the same error when I went to Vista, turns out both of my memory sticks were bad. XP is a lot more forgiving with memory errors than Vista is.

If you already went back to the WHQL drivers, time to run memtest on your memory sticks. I started getting the same error when I went to Vista, turns out both of my memory sticks were bad. XP is a lot more forgiving with memory errors than Vista is.

Yeah, and IIRQL can also be RAM, rather than drivers. I'd check that out as well.

Note: Stop disabling stuff on Vista. It knows what it's supposed to do.
In addition to bad drivers or flaky hardware, I've also seen the IRQL errors when booting up with certain USB devices, I had a old digicam that gave that error if it was plugged in on boot, plugging it in afterwards solved it.