Irritating boot issue after fresh OS install


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2006
Hey folks,

I just did a fresh (Clean) install of Win7 Premium x64 home. I had some issues installing initially and now every time I boot, I get the screen which asks me to select which OS I wish to use.

I get the option for Windows 7 and also for "An older version of Windows". The more annoying part is that while I'm on this screen, my wireless keyboard doesn't work so I have to wait 15-20 seconds for it to move forward with booting Win7.

Question: Is there a way to automatically select Windows 7 as default and bypass that screen. Or...can I delete whatever files or partition is causing that screen to show up in the first place?

I get the option for Windows 7 and also for "An older version of Windows". The more annoying part is that while I'm on this screen, my wireless keyboard doesn't work so I have to wait 15-20 seconds for it to move forward with booting Win7.
Go to MSCONFIG and under the boot tab. See if there are 2 listed and if you can delete the second entry.
Go to MSCONFIG and under the boot tab. See if there are 2 listed and if you can delete the second entry.

didn't that get moved to BCEDIT instead of msconfig starting in Vista?
or maybe I'm thinking it's just the boot.ini you don't use anymore for Vista and 7.
msconfig remains...went there straight away and changed the boot tab to use 4 cores, instead of the 1 default...
Also go in C: and make sure there isn't a Windows.old file, I deleted that, and it got rid of the boot menu.
Or just do it the easy/lazy way and install EasyBCD.

And that option for selecting more cores does absolutely nothing. Common knowledge around here for years.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
You sure that's not 4 PHYSICAL processors you're telling it to use?

Not it's the max number of logical and physical processors you want Windows to use. It only has an affect if the checkbox is enabled. Otherwise it'll automatically use the max number of processors it find (and is licensed for).

Also go in C: and make sure there isn't a Windows.old file, I deleted that, and it got rid of the boot menu.

Before you do this, make sure you don't have any files you want to keep in there. \Windows.old is a container folder for the old "Windows", "Program Files", "Users" (or "Documents and Settings"), and "Program Data" folders