IRS Phone Scam Sweeps the Nation


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Just when you thought the IRS could get no worse, someone comes along to blemish even their dodgy record. The workings of the scam are not new, but this time the scammer is using tax season to scare targets into paying alleged ‘back taxes’ or face prison terms.

The telephone stuff has been off and on over the decade … but I can’t remember the last time we had this type of volume or even close to it,” a senior TIGTA official told reporters on a call Thursday.
It puzzles me that people get 30 or 40 years into adulthood and can't recognize obvious bullshit.
It puzzles me that people get 30 or 40 years into adulthood and can't recognize obvious bullshit.

Religion??? God/Zeus/Satan/Miss Cloe/TSA/the boogie man/ ect ect....

I do not feel sorry for these people who get conned like this.
That's because most people don't actually attain adulthood.
Got that right. Especially in the under 40's crowd. Must be something in the water (Let the conspiracy theories commence!...). :p
Remember when people were largely responsible by the time they were in their mid 20s? They may have been naive about many things, but they were were mature enough to admit it and learn and grow. People today seem to think that age equals maturity, and wisdom, but they're deluded.
Old and senile is more excusable than young and an imbecile.
Religion??? God/Zeus/Satan/Miss Cloe/TSA/the boogie man/ ect ect....

I do not feel sorry for these people who get conned like this.

Religion and scams are such different things. You'd have to be a dumb ass to not realize that.
I do not feel sorry for these people who get conned like this.
Some of these people are old divorced widows, well past their prime, and can hardly remember where they put their keys and are used to people taking care of them and being nice.

And from what I heard its usually these people that are prayed upon the most, and I'd think we'd certainly band together to line up the criminals that do so and preferably use them as target practice.
Some of these people are old divorced widows, well past their prime, and can hardly remember where they put their keys and are used to people taking care of them and being nice.

And from what I heard its usually these people that are prayed upon the most, and I'd think we'd certainly band together to line up the criminals that do so and preferably use them as target practice.

I did not know those scammers prayed..
It puzzles me that people get 30 or 40 years into adulthood and can't recognize obvious bullshit.

Why are you puzzled?

After all these same people put Obama into office not once, but twice.

Of course they can't recognize bull shit.
Yup, its mostly catholic priests.

There have been a lot more kids abused by teachers out here in California, yet I never hear anything close to the same level of bashing of teachers.
They're running the scam scam up here in Canada, usually targeting the more recently immigrated.
Why are you puzzled?

After all these same people put Obama into office not once, but twice.

Of course they can't recognize bull shit.

Amazing how some people can take any topic and in two sentences turn it into a political rant.

Back on topic, I need to try and call my parents and warn them about this. While they both have a lot of practical knowledge/wisdom, I can see both of them believing something like this.