Is 1.35V vcore safe for 5960X


May 11, 2006
I am running a 5960X with an ASUS Rampage 5 Extreme and it can do 4.5 Ghz but needs 1.35V to do so. I have an H105 which does a decent job at cooling the CPU.

Is there a threat to the CPU if I keep such a voltage?

The CPU can also do 4.44 Ghz at 1.32V which again is slightly above ASUS's spec of 1.3V.

Again the system was tested 1 hour under prime blend test and 30 min under RealBench and came through under both the OC'ed settings.

What would you guys recommend?
Seriously? People are scared of 1.35v? If its cooled properly, itll be fine.

I remember when everyone said Sandy Bridge would die quick over 1.4v and over 1.45 it wouldnt last 6 months.

4 years later, Im still chugging at 1.49v @ 4.9ghz.
Seriously? People are scared of 1.35v? If its cooled properly, itll be fine.

I remember when everyone said Sandy Bridge would die quick over 1.4v and over 1.45 it wouldnt last 6 months.

4 years later, Im still chugging at 1.49v @ 4.9ghz.

Well...yeah...people just repeat arbitrary "limits" that they heard from someone else.

I booted Ivy on 1.7V and ran it for a year before upgrading @ 1.585V.

1.35V is fine. That's the voltage I use. I could get away with 1.325V @ 4.6 but P95 likes higher voltages. Just for the lolz I tried 5 Ghz @ 1.6V...didn't even boot.
Did you also run RealBench at 4.6Ghz. P95 passed on my CPU for 1.5 hrs that I tried, with 4.5Ghz @ 1.325V, but RealBench needed a push to 1.35V. LinX and OCCT just break the TDP barrier I suppose. Although the CPU did manage to pass OCCT in a 30 min test but failed the 1 hr test.

When I researched online people were not too keen on running LinX and OCCT since they proclaimed that the AVX2 instruction kicks in and the processor just can't take that TDP of more than 300W. Infact ASUS has cautioned against running those stress tests :/.