is 10500 slow for a gtx sli?


Sep 14, 2005
i just finished installing my evga gtx ko acs video cards, running in sli mode.

and ran a test with 3dmark05. my score is 10500.

is that slow for a gtx in sli mode?

i seen other peoples gtx sli getting higher scores. how is that possible?

is there something that i am doing wrong?

Hmmm I would say thats a very slow score.... I've seen 2x7800GTs get way higher than that.
See what temps the cards are at....
yea i noticed that most ppl are running beta drivers.

i am running version 78.

video card temps are at 55 and 60.

one is higher because the hdtv card is rite under it.
I have the same board and two XFX 7800 GTX cards. My processor is also a 4800+ and in the default test I get 10,399. That is without overclocking any of the parts.
I got around the same score. And with the 8x.xx I got about a thousand more. Meh. Oh well, in game is good though.
hmm yeh seems quite low..ur computer is amzing it should score higher...why dont u try ocing ur processer a bit?
Running 78.05 beta drivers my score was 11,653 (473 core - 1300 memory). The 81.XX drivers bumped my score down a little bit to 11,517 - I upped my OC a little to compensate (490 core - 1350 memory). It perfectably stable at this speed but i'm not sure if i'll leave it there as the memory is blazing Hot. OC'ing only seems to make a difference in 3DMark anyway - don't expect your frames to go way up in games.

Your score is on the low side though. You should at least be breaking the 11,000 barrier. Try cleaning out your drivers with Driver Cleaner and re-install. Also, make sure 3DMark is reporting your correct clocks in your results.
The 81.XX beta drivers are great feature wise but i'm not sure I would rush out and install them just to raise your 3DMark score as their still very buggy.
81.84 from nvzone (official beta?) running my games - gta, bf2, farcry, fear demo, fine.
with sys in my sig i am getting around 13.3k with default core and oc mem. but i am using gt's. you should be a tad higher, i think.
vanilla_guerilla said:
81.84 from nvzone (official beta?) running my games - gta, bf2, farcry, fear demo, fine.
with sys in my sig i am getting around 13.3k with default core and oc mem. but i am using gt's. you should be a tad higher, i think.

13.3K with GT's in 3Dmark 2005 at default core and OC memory? Wow, I guess those 81.XX drivers do provide a boost for dual core. In that case, a score of 10,500 is waay low
I think some of the 13K score for 3dmark and 80 series drivers comes from the X2 and the fact that is is OCd. I have a 4000+ and two GTs in SLI that get 11243 at stock with the 77.77 drivers and 11552 at 525 with the 80.84 drivers. So yeah, 10500 sounds a little low.
Hmm, if the 80.XX provide that big a boost, around 1000 marks, there's little reason to buy an FX-57 for top game performance. Would like see a game performance comparison between the X2 4800+ and FX-57 with these drivers.
I'm getting 14k on my system. I'm overclocking and running my processor at 2.8GHz. But yes that seems a little low.
[BB] Rick James said:
I'm getting 14k on my system. I'm overclocking and running my processor at 2.8GHz. But yes that seems a little low.

14k?, what the??? i'm starting to think my score of 11,653 is low :confused: Does CPU speed play that big a factor on the final score?
riggs58 said:
Hmm, if the 80.XX provide that big a boost, around 1000 marks, there's little reason to buy an FX-57 for top game performance. Would like see a game performance comparison between the X2 4800+ and FX-57 with these drivers.

I had an x2 4400 and I don't regret changing it for an FX-57. I didn't have the 8x.xx driver boost at the time but I doubt anything could compare to an FX-57 @ 3400.

If someone wants to run benchies with a 4800+ / BFG sli and 8x.xx I wouldn't mind running the same benches with a stock FX-57. I'm kind of curious myself.
riggs58 said:
14k?, what the??? i'm starting to think my score of 11,653 is low :confused: Does CPU speed play that big a factor on the final score?

Well I'm overclocking my video cards and my processor. '05 might have a big impact on proc speed, I'm not sure though. I'm running the 81.43 beta drivers found on the nVidia site, try those and bench and let us know what your getting. 11K with your system seems low dude. I was getting 12,500 with nothing overclocked.

You and I basically have the same systems, I'm running my RAM at T1, which might have a difference as well. It could be your overclock or your RAM kind of holding you back.

I have my GTX's o/c'd at 500/1.32 GHz and my processor 280 X 10, memory 1:1 and T1 settings. The San Diego Chips o/c really nice, and your RAM should be able to come close to something that I'm running. Try o/c'ing your rig and see what happens with your score.
i tried the beta drivers and still getting the same results. about a few hundred pts higher. high 11000.

does it make a difference when you run your ram at t1 speeds?

btw, what do you guys use to o/c the gtx?
sean2sean said:
i just finished installing my evga gtx ko acs video cards, running in sli mode.

and ran a test with 3dmark05. my score is 10500.

is that slow for a gtx in sli mode?

i seen other peoples gtx sli getting higher scores. how is that possible?

is there something that i am doing wrong?


Be sure to turn off AA and AF in the driver settings.
Make sure you have the newest chipset drivers for the nforce4 sli chipset installed (ver 6.66).
i tried seeing what results i would get if i ran off of one and i got about 8100 pts.

i was trying to see if i could switch to T1 mem specs but my computer locked up during rebooting. and i found out that i was running on single channel. reinstalled my mem modules and ran it in dual channel.... tried running in sli mode with latest beta drivers.

i got 11934.... still seems to be lower then wut most ppl are getting for gtx.

i was doing some reading and said its not worth overclocking the gtx in sli mode?

now im going to try updating my chipset drivers... 6.65 as someone mentioned. and see if that works.

and yes AA and AF are all turned OFF
sean2sean said:
i tried seeing what results i would get if i ran off of one and i got about 8100 pts.

i was trying to see if i could switch to T1 mem specs but my computer locked up during rebooting. and i found out that i was running on single channel. reinstalled my mem modules and ran it in dual channel.... tried running in sli mode with latest beta drivers.

i got 11934.... still seems to be lower then wut most ppl are getting for gtx.

i was doing some reading and said its not worth overclocking the gtx in sli mode?

now im going to try updating my chipset drivers... 6.65 as someone mentioned. and see if that works.

and yes AA and AF are all turned OFF

I am surprised you had issues with dual channel memory, the only company that I can think of that doesn't C1D1 C1D2 C2D1 C2D2 is MSI. They Do C1D1 C2D1 C1D2 C2D2. Maybe I am wrong and Asus does it differently then anybody else.
The average 7800 GTX SLI score from our [H]ard|Forum 3DMark05 list is.....

It's been said before but make sure of the following;

antialiasing disabled box unchecked where it says application controlled

antistropic filtering disabled box unchecked...

Image settings, High performance

Vertical sync, disabled box unchecked...

Open advanced settings,

Turn on all 3 optimizations

Force mipmaps Bilinear

Conforment texture clamp Off

Make sure any other effect is off. gamma correct anti, transparency etc.. etc..

This should get you a very high score. Also I dont run dual core but I read somewhere there is a dual core patch from MS that fixes performance and bug issues.

I think with the KO eddition 490/1300 you should be shattering 12k easy. If you OC & set up your profile as mentioned above you should shatter 13k.

Lord Exodia
My first recently runthrough of 3D mark 2005 did only 9600!

This was with, what I thought was, everything off.

I followed the 3D mark optimizing tips in this thread and I'm re-benching. BF2 is a little slow on 4xAA 16xAF 1920x1080 and I would think it would be fine with dual 7800 GTXs in SLI. :(
I could get that if i bothered to OC my CPU with one 7800GTX.(or close too it).
something is wrong.