Is 74.5Gb normal for WD8000JB 80gig - or has bad sectors?


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2005
Thanks for coming into the G-zone, where all Gz are up, including you. So - I bought this drive used from someone on this forum.

It says 74.5Gb, but 80 billion bytes. Is this right. I am not complaining, just paranoid because I have an IBM DTLA as my other drive, look up the whole class suite story...

When I got it I immediately ran a surface scan in XP to check for bad sectors, and then re-formatted it with regular cluster size (4Kb), if that makes a difference.

Thanks in Advance to all of you
Sounds about right to me. My 2 "160gig" drives only net me a total of just over 300gigs combined. Thats just about the same rate of loss to the marketing department as you're suffering.
Yeah thats definately cool. Harddrives always read lower than their "rated" capacity. My "74gig" raptor reads at 69gigs.

Charles55, what you're seeing is marketing using peoples lack of knowledge to sell things. Basically they market the drives size based on 1000 bit to a kilobyte, 1000 kilobyte to a megabyte, 1000 megabyte to a gigabyte. So you're thinking an 80 gig drive should be 80,000,000,000 bytes, when in reality it should be 85,899,345,920, a difference around 5 gigs. They started this way back when because the size difference was about 5-10 megs or less, depending on the size drive. Now, you can get sizes that are over 10 gigs of lost space due to marketing.