Is 8800GTS cause of these problems?


Jul 28, 2002
I got this eVGA 8800GTS yesterday. Uninstalled previouse driver and also ran the Driver Cleaner.
The first problem I notice was with my G5 mouse that the mouse cursor movement got laggy. It's not as smooth as before. The second problem was the CPU temperature jumped up by 5 degrees.

Ok, there might be some driver conflict issue that's causing the first problem. It's the second problem I can't figure out. I even have my case cover opened and there's a "Vornador" fan blow air directly into the case. This helped idle CPU temperature stay around 29C when there was an X1900XT o/ced to XTX in my system.
Don't know about the cpu temp, but I'm using G5 mouse with the GTS and I've experienced no problems. I haven't even installed the drivers for the mouse yet, I just plugged it into my usb port and it was good to go.
Adding a 8800 series grafic card is like lightning a open flame burner inside Your case.

It can rise internal temps enough to affect CPU temps. CPU cooler will cool worse with hot air in the case.
