is an x2 4800 an upgrade over an fx-55?

Oct 1, 2004
Is it?

I don't like the idea that im losing 200mhz for gaming, but i would be gaining plenty of power for other tasks such as dvd encoding and such
well, do some research on SMP, and see where it fits for your needs. If it does, you could make the switch to a X2 without spending a ton of money simply by selling the FX.

However, I'd suggest overclocking, as the single thread performance is going to be a tad bit lower with lower clockspeeds, however, even a 3800+ can do 2.4ghz without issue.

My suggestiong would be to sell the FX and buy a 3800+, you won't miss the extra cache, and with a decent cooler you should see 2.4-2.7ghz out of the processor. Of course, with a decent cooler on the FX (depending on week/stepping) you should get 2.6-3.0ghz

I would not suggest going with the 4800+/4600+, these cost a lot of money, and aren't really worth the premium, especially when the other cores overclock to those speeds without issue.
The 4400+ has started to drop in price quite a bit lately so i would definitely go with it over the 4800+. A 200Mhz clock difference isn't worth the price difference. They'll both overclock the same.
You might actually make some money dropping that FX-55 for a 4400+ ;).
Got my 4400+ up to 2.7ghz. It was tough and it runs hot on air but it can be done. 2.6 isn't bad on air at all.