Is Anybody going to buy COD Black Ops 2?

Are you going to buy the new COD?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 16.3%
  • No

    Votes: 271 65.0%
  • yeah, when it goes on sale on steam or another vendor

    Votes: 78 18.7%

  • Total voters
Having a really hard time deciding to buy this after how much MW3 disappointed me. I don't care about realism since I'm one of the dudes that really misses the old Quake 3 days (Quake Live just isn't the same) I just want something fast paced and FUN. How much fun are you guys having on BLOPS2? I'm looking purely for multiplayer experience, don't care much for single. So far the impressions here seem positive and I trust you guys way more than any big name review site like IGN...
Anyone able to run this in 1080p? game wont give me an option to get my resolution higher than 1600by900. which my monitor doesnt even support. So im stuck running 1280by1024 or sromething dumb
Anyone able to run this in 1080p? game wont give me an option to get my resolution higher than 1600by900. which my monitor doesnt even support. So im stuck running 1280by1024 or sromething dumb

Yeah, working for me.
man, ZERO problems on this pc with anything... I installed beta drivers too to see if it would "fix" it. wonder what gives. :(
Having a really hard time deciding to buy this after how much MW3 disappointed me. I don't care about realism since I'm one of the dudes that really misses the old Quake 3 days (Quake Live just isn't the same) I just want something fast paced and FUN. How much fun are you guys having on BLOPS2? I'm looking purely for multiplayer experience, don't care much for single. So far the impressions here seem positive and I trust you guys way more than any big name review site like IGN...

Eh. Is ok. Keep in mind I'm not a CoD fan. For my money, BF3 is more fun, since strategy seems to actually matter. This is just spastic high speed shooting. If fast is what you want then I suppose this is good. Instant respawns, very high weapon damage, particularly for headshots (they are like 2-hit kill), no weapon recoil, etc. If you don't want to fuck around with unlocks they have a number of preformed classes.

As I said I fell it is an inferior game to BF3, particularly from a strategic standpoint, however if instant gratification is what you demand then it does offer that.
Having a really hard time deciding to buy this after how much MW3 disappointed me. I don't care about realism since I'm one of the dudes that really misses the old Quake 3 days (Quake Live just isn't the same) I just want something fast paced and FUN. How much fun are you guys having on BLOPS2? I'm looking purely for multiplayer experience, don't care much for single. So far the impressions here seem positive and I trust you guys way more than any big name review site like IGN...

Buy. Period.
Play, have fun, don't think to much, it's not Q3 or Counter-Strike but it comes as close as it get's to something like Counter-Strike 2.0.
Its very spastic. the skill ceiling is fairly low... I skipped MW3, so only reason Im getting this is to have a game to beat up on internet kids...

Most annoying thing is the amount of "shit" in the game in terms of retarded mines and nades and perks and things falling from the sky as spam.
gametrailers gave it a 94/100

i am hovering on the add to cart button. most people are saying the pick 10 system is pretty dope.
gametrailers gave it a 94/100

i am hovering on the add to cart button. most people are saying the pick 10 system is pretty dope.

Idk if I should get it I really need another CoD in my life...? I barely budged to get Black Ops...

Anyone else in your posse (From Vent.) getting it?? Would be down for some online matches with you guys if so..
Idk if I should get it I really need another CoD in my life...? I barely budged to get Black Ops...

Anyone else in your posse (From Vent.) getting it?? Would be down for some online matches with you guys if so..

most likely just me
Let me know on Steam how it is. You playing tonight?

yeah i'll play when i get off.

i wish remote install would work for me though super annoying. but whatever.

i bet the install is only like 4 gigs hahah
yeah i'll play when i get off.

i wish remote install would work for me though super annoying. but whatever.

i bet the install is only like 4 gigs hahah

Sounds hot.

Haha, wouldn't surprise me if the code is rehashed to shit.
I don't understand why people keep wanting this to be BF3...they are completely different games...BF3 is about teamwork and strategy while CoD is all about twitch shooting and solo can enjoy both as long as you know what you are getting...CoD is fun for what it is
yeah i'll play when i get off.

i wish remote install would work for me though super annoying. but whatever.

i bet the install is only like 4 gigs hahah

21 GB for campaign, mp, and zombies. you can install them separately. 5 GB if you just want to install mp.
21 GB for campaign, mp, and zombies. you can install them separately. 5 GB if you just want to install mp.

It made me have to install everything to play multiplayer, sorta retarded if you ask me. Tried launching multiplayer last night, and it said files were not found, googled it and found out that you needed it all installed.
Killstreaks have also gotten an overhaul in the way they are earned and are now called Scorestreaks. Kills are no longer the only way of earning the multitude of air support, drones, and turrets that stack up the kills for you. With Scorestreaks, camping out and racking up kills is often the slowest way to earn your streak bonus. Higher score values are awarded to players who put their efforts toward match-winning objectives, like controlling capture points, planting bombs, and guarding flags. The score system becomes a huge motivator for your teammates to go for a flag capture, rather than camping out and trying to earn a Stealth Chopper, making the cooperative effort all the more thrilling.

this is from gameradars review

i thought it worth mentioning since i often have the worst KDR but the best score because i play the objective in game modes like HQ. This is a cool change.
Nice....the only downside to the game I can think of right now, 10-16 year old shitheads hacking and ruining the game in every match you join...another definite bs downside is having to pay $12.99 for each DLC that comes out. Honestly they should just make the DLC's at $5 or less.
from the brief 30 minute session i just played in mp, it's good. it's what you'd expect from a COD game; a good COD game anyway. graphics are fine but there's nothing there to make you go 'wow' after playing BF3 or MOHW (or crysis or stalker or double dragon II). i absolutely hated MW3 but this one is more inline with the typical Treyarch vibe, which i'm happy about. i'll put some time into it.

this is from gameradars review
i thought it worth mentioning since i often have the worst KDR but the best score because i play the objective in game modes like HQ. This is a cool change.

yeah i already saw some of this. i'm an objective oriented player and the scorestreaks were rolling in pretty regularly.

back to geeking-out with BLOPS2 and Widmer Brothers Brrr seasonal ale.
I caved and picked it up at the store while grocery shopping.

Installing now. Haven't played a PC version of COD since the first Modern Warfare. Kind of excited.

I also really disliked Battlefield 3, so that means I should really enjoy BLOPS 2.
So this game is supposed to have dedicated severs hosted by the developer, but where do you go to get into one? I'm poking around all the options and menus and all I can find is the match making method. I can't find any server browser or anything that is related to dedicated servers.
So this game is supposed to have dedicated severs hosted by the developer, but where do you go to get into one? I'm poking around all the options and menus and all I can find is the match making method. I can't find any server browser or anything that is related to dedicated servers.

it's dedicated servers with match making so there is no server browser (that i've discovered).

Bah, I'm tempted.

if you liked BLOPS1 you'll like this game. it's similar in style but an improvement to BLOPS1 in a lot of ways. speaking strictly multiplayer at the moment.
if you liked BLOPS1 you'll like this game. it's similar in style but an improvement to BLOPS1 in a lot of ways. speaking strictly multiplayer at the moment.

BLOPS1 sucked hard. This second to me seems to be the closest thing (for me atleast) to COD4. The mouse sensitivity is still little fishy, doesnt quite feel like COD4. Need to play around with configs. BLOPS1 mouse sens for me was hell and was a insta uninstall.
Thats exactly why I won't buy COD titles anymore.

Then don't buy DLC. I haven't since MW2. I'm going to feed Activisions profit machine with more than a game purchase.

In fact , for the most part , I don't buy ANY DLC unless I fell compelled to play it and thus deem it worth the purchase.

If you play with this attitude you will enjoy COD regardless.

Honestly I'm liking Black Cocks 2 , its pretty fun. The new scorestreak system is nice and even when I'm matched with much better players and get my ass handed to me I get plenty of points and still feel like I have fun.

The single best feature of BLOPS2 is without question the mute everyone feature. Being able to shut out everyone all at once and just enjoy the game is great.
OMG Stop tempting me!!!

come on do it. listen to what Bert's eyes are telling you.

it's dedicated servers with match making so there is no server browser (that i've discovered).

if you liked BLOPS1 you'll like this game. it's similar in style but an improvement to BLOPS1 in a lot of ways. speaking strictly multiplayer at the moment.

So you are limited by whatever map rotations those servers are running?
My initial impression is that the game is really good.

It feels good, plays good, and it's fun.

I think the graphics look perfectly fine. I dunno why people would hate on it. It's a lot of fun for sure.
So you are limited by whatever map rotations those servers are running?

for the most part yes. in between each round you have 2 map options to vote for. majority rules. you have some say-so, but not total control.

BLOPS1 sucked hard. This second to me seems to be the closest thing (for me atleast) to COD4.

if you've spent any time in BLOPS1 you'd see the similarities in BLOPS2. i agree this is probably the best COD since COD4.

I think the graphics look perfectly fine. I dunno why people would hate on it. It's a lot of fun for sure.

the graphics are pretty damn good, just not BF3 good. the gameplay (if fast-paced is what you're after) makes up for it by far IMO.
for the most part yes. in between each round you have 2 map options to vote for. majority rules. you have some say-so, but not total .

Thanks, skip for me then. I can't stand lobbies and not having a choice to stick to a specific map.

I tend to only enjoy a handful of maps so being locked into rotation like that I would constantly be trying to find a new server.