Is anyone annoyed at apple for playing games with us?


Limp Gawd
Jan 6, 2006
I really want to get new computer. Im pretty much sold on getting a laptop, and im still decided whether or not to get a Mac or PC. So here's my beef. I would have gotten a pc in january, but i heard that they would announce somthing on april 1st, and they didnt, and then the specs for the intel ibook comes out, and i really want it. Except i dont want to any more!!!! And then now they say we should wait until june to buy any macintel becasue the prices will drop. I hate having to wait to know more and having the next best thing right over the horizen. And i realize that if i get annoyed by that i might aswell not care so much about a so rapidly developing industry, but still, they need to give us a few months without anything to expect in the immediate future. I dont know im just tired of waiting and i want a good laptop that is on top of the game.
You may as well buy it.

You play the waiting game you will NEVER get anything. Why?

Because something better is ALWAYS around the corner.
sorry if this sounds harsh but I have had a rough month and my PC filter is NOT working...basically quit your are sounding like a whiney little kid that has to have everything right NOW and doesn't understand the word "patience" Apple didn't announce that there was going to me something out on 4/1 ... it was a freakin RUMOR and considering it was a SATURDAY it is kind of stupid to think they would (most stuff is announced on a Tuesday for some strange reason)

again...sorry if this comes off harsh but the ibook replacement will ceom out when it comes out and not any sooner...yeah...I want to see it to and possibly replace my current ibook and I know it will come out...some time....

i for one don't understand why apple must keep their plans secret. who cares if they spend soo much on r and d and have a steadily increasing market share and the market cornered on design. i want a five year road map and i want them to stick with it, no surprises mean no fun and no fun means no hefty premiums. wait. erm.. yea what they said, just quite ur moaning and buy it. or wait. it's up to u. apple never EVER spills ahead of time intentionally, so just deal. it's been like this for many many years.
How is Apple playing games with anybody? You're the one that decided it was a good idea to believe rumors.
So you are angry at Apple, for beliving rumors that you have read/heard from the internet?


Apple does not drop prices on currently shipping computers, ever. If the prices drop, it means there's a new one out.

the MacBooks will be 1999 and 2499 until they are replaced with newer macbooks. does that help at all?
sounds like you've been drinking the KoolAid, man. And shame on you for making this such a big deal - making this big relationship around Apple. You take in all their marketing hype and then get mad because you think they're telling you lies? generating word of mouth, "buzz" is what these companies are desperately trying to achieve on forums and blogs. don't get suckered next time. take everything you read with a giant grain of salt. and then think it out a little. Apple just announced the Intel chip thing this winter - did you think there was going to be some other news on APRIL FOOLS DAY to top that? what would they be announcing?
esr2 said:
i for one don't understand why apple must keep their plans secret. who cares if they spend soo much on r and d and have a steadily increasing market share and the market cornered on design. i want a five year road map and i want them to stick with it, no surprises mean no fun and no fun means no hefty premiums. wait. erm.. yea what they said, just quite ur moaning and buy it. or wait. it's up to u. apple never EVER spills ahead of time intentionally, so just deal. it's been like this for many many years.

Being ironic, I hope? or not? I can't really tell. Um, yeah, there's a reason why companies don't publicly release 5 year road maps... Actually there's more than one reason.
If you're that worried about it get a Refurb unit. They have the same warranty, qualify for Apple Care, include all the accessories and cost on average 15% less.
yeah i dont really know what i was thinking as i posted that, and the addition of bootcamp to the already long list of great apple apps is is really tipping the scales in favor of buying a mac. And i wont be waiting too much longer, hopefully :)
Like others have already pointed out, Apple isn't the one playing games. As far as the new purchase goes, my vote goes for the Mac over the PC... but wait until the bugs have been worked out.

Yes, I said wait... as painful as that sounds... be patient. The MacBook Pros are just now getting the bugs worked out. :(
Being ironic, I hope? or not? I can't really tell. Um, yeah, there's a reason why companies don't publicly release 5 year road maps... Actually there's more than one reason.

yeah i was being sarcastic. i think we get a little self centered in the enthusiast community, the more and more that we get all this privileged information the more we feel it's due to us, which is bs _ and we feel that large corporations with business plans should bend to our every whims, also not plausible, hence my sarcastic response.

'i would like apple to' is one thing but 'apple should' is another. they shouldn't. their the company who is successfully increasing market share and sell lots of products. we're not. (last i checked, though i do sell apple products so i fall into a weird in-between as an apple authorized distributor).

fastfood15 said:
I really want to get new computer. Im pretty much sold on getting a laptop, and im still decided whether or not to get a Mac or PC. So here's my beef. I would have gotten a pc in january, but i heard that they would announce somthing on april 1st, and they didnt, and then the specs for the intel ibook comes out, and i really want it. Except i dont want to any more!!!! And then now they say we should wait until june to buy any macintel becasue the prices will drop. I hate having to wait to know more and having the next best thing right over the horizen. And i realize that if i get annoyed by that i might aswell not care so much about a so rapidly developing industry, but still, they need to give us a few months without anything to expect in the immediate future. I dont know im just tired of waiting and i want a good laptop that is on top of the game.
The second you buy a new computer, a better one will come out. Trust me, it always happens. This is not specific to the opersating system, its with any hardware.

Keep waiting, I dare you. ^_^
What difference does an Apple roadmap mean? Does Dell have one? NOPE.

Microsoft might have a roadmap but they sure as hell don't stick to it; in fairness with OSes it is rather hard to know long-term what will happen. I think that can explain why Apple doesn't talk up OSX versions in advance.

In terms of hardware; Intel & ATI both have roadmaps, Apple uses Intel & ATI hardware (in the Intel-Macs at least, some nVidia has been used). If you want to know what's coming look at the Intel & ATI roadmaps then assume Apple will apply the new tech when it comes if it's worthwhile, I don't see Apple jumping on every GPU refresh but when the next big thing comes out I'm sure Apple will use it. On the CPU side Intel is slating Conroe for a fall release; I'm expecting the Mac Pro or whatever they call the Intel PowerMac to come out around when Conroe comes out since I'm assuming that's the proc Apple will use. They might use Yonah but since Conroe is a desktop chip based around Yonah I don't see that happening.