Is Backlight Bleeding Normal???


Jul 18, 2006
I just bought my first LCD monitor, the Viewsonic VA1912wb last week. Its great, but the blacks arent so great around the edges. Across the top, and especially the bottom, the color looks like a dark blue, rather then black. I only notice this in some games, and when I watch DVDs (the black bars arent completely black on widescreen DVDs). Im just wondering if this is common amoung all LCDs, or if I should send it to Viewsonic for repair (Circuit City would charge me a 15% restocking fee because I didnt pay 75$ for their 4 year warranty)?
Yes backlight bleeding is normal for LCD's. Although for some reason Viewsonic's seem to be the worst, at least the ones i've seen. I noticed they all seem to have that yucky blueish bleed while other brand names just look more greyish.
Yes Viewsonics are the worst. My vp930b is terrible, and from what i've heard they all pretty much are. Other models don't seem to fare much better like the vx2025 which has the same x type problem. I guess it looks like it's in other lines of their lcds as well. Whatever you do don't exchange it for the same one, with backlight bleeding from what I've experienced if it was bad on one it's usually not great on all of the same model. And yes, it's normal I've owned 4 lcds and all have had at least a bit (or a lot like the vp930) of backlight bleeding