is DVI+ widescreen bug gone with 7800 Sli?


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2004
With the 6800 series, if you ran a widescreen DVI native monitor (like my 23" Apple) you were locked in at the native resolution (1920x1600 iun my case). not only were you not able to scale your desktop resolution, games, 3dmark included, can only run at 1920x1600, and not scale back to say 1024x768.

Is there anyone with an apple 23 or 30 LCD that can confirm if this bug is gone?
I am curious to know if the 7800gtx in sli will support widescreen too. I would like to do sli but not if it causes problems in sli mode.
I am right there with you. It is a very annoying bug, and one that I suspect could be easily fixed.
This will be extremly important for that select person with the two 7800 GTX in SLI with an Apple 30" Cinema HD Display. 2560x1600 fun...
Or any widescreen native DVI monitor. Not just the 30" Apple, but the 23 apple, etc.
Shorty said:
This will be extremly important for that select person with the two 7800 GTX in SLI with an Apple 30" Cinema HD Display. 2560x1600 fun...
does the 7800gtx even have dual link dvi? because a regular dvi connector can't hook up to a 30" CD.
Will SLI ever be supported in Linux? If it will, can somebody at least give me a timeframe? :confused:
darkhorse said:
does the 7800gtx even have dual link dvi? because a regular dvi connector can't hook up to a 30" CD.
Read my post here, it has some info on this.

In response to changing native resolution I do it all the time on my 30" Cinema display + quadro fx3400 (6800GT essentially). The drivers also give options for monitor or card scaling, as well as centred output and fixed aspect ratio scaling. In games however I'm usually forced to scaling down in wide screen ratios only though. Is this the same issue youre getting at or did I miss it? :confused:
Guess no one had tried to hook up an 7800 sli rig to a 23in ACD yet....
I had a second 7800GTX to try SLI out on my 2005fpw and 2405fpw, both worked great. As a side note, the SLI+Widescreen+DVI issue is fixed for the 6x00 series in the newer 64-bit drivers. If you feel like running XP Pro x64.