Is Facebook Hazardous to Your Health?


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Facebook and other social media outlets are growing in new members each day and established members are spending more time on line checking their pages than ever before. Is Facebook adding to stress levels of members, depriving them of sleep or lowering self-esteem? If that is actually the case, then Facebook and other social media actually could be hazardous to the long term health of its members.

You may not give much thought to how a status message or shared photo affects you, but research indicates that these seemingly benign actions can have a collective effect on your health and well-being.
Most of the people joining already have low self-esteem and are looking for the approval of
others "i.e. likes" to make themselves feel better.

On the other hand people who already have good self-esteem don't need the approval of random online friends, so they don't bother with or spend much time on social media sites.
Heh. They still facebook though to feed their egos. They know they are good, they need everyone to keep telling them though.

Major reason I closed my account was I found it pointless to keep checking it. I kept checking in and seeing random shit that others were talking to other people I didn't know about, and it hit me. WTF am I doing? Waste of my time. This was back at the point just before business and advertising took over. I'd hate to see it now.
Heh. They still facebook though to feed their egos. They know they are good, they need everyone to keep telling them though.

Major reason I closed my account was I found it pointless to keep checking it. I kept checking in and seeing random shit that others were talking to other people I didn't know about, and it hit me. WTF am I doing? Waste of my time. This was back at the point just before business and advertising took over. I'd hate to see it now.

I quit facebook as a security hazard. People were congratulating me on my birthday even though I purposely put fake information for example. Then I started to see facebook links on random sites, facebook malware, facebook this and that.

Plus it was mega annoying to see all the brainless bs people posted. Better off without it.

I would probably log back on if I needed to find a new woman, however. That's the only purpose I can see for FB.
Above three posts are spot on. Deleted my account few years back after making similar observations. Hilarious how people think that posting about 'give me attention/what I had for breakfast/some new shiny thing' will gather approval and reverence from their peers. Fake as hell.
Facebook is okay for networking and business, but seems most stuff beyond that is often narcissistic ego wank.
Social media is really bad for people. Like most of my younger friends, they would rather text back and forth for 20 minutes rather then a 5 minute phone call. It drives me nuts.
I gave that shit up for good. I'm much happier now than I was with the approval or condemnation of all those facebook using losers. I spend more time working on my cars, my house, my weight lifting routine and even playing more video games. Screw a social network. Being off of it makes it a lot easier to see who my real friends are, as in the couple folks I actually hang out with. I even feel better about the women I sleep with, not seeing constant carefully cropped pics of the ones I'm not screwing.