Is iPhone 4S display pentile?


Feb 27, 2011
I came across this macro shot of the iPhone 4S on the review:
There is no doubt in my mind that this screenshot does not show a traditional striped sub-pixel layout. Take a look at the battery percentage and icon. I can rotate it into various orientations and the pixels always show a staggered luminosity pattern.

I've seen photos of the original iPhone 4 and they're definitely striped, unlike this one. Is it possible Apple moved to a pentile matrix for some reason or another? Is there anyone here with an iPhone 4S that can take a straight-on macro shot so we can see what the new screen really is?
Most likely image compression, lol.
I took that into consideration, too--just looking for a clearer picture, some proof. It still looks like RGBW to me. I might just have to check it out at an Apple Store. Curiosity beckons. :)
The color temperature was changed to be warmer but its the same screen.
The iPhone 4S display is the same "Retina" display that's in the iPhone 4, and its RGB.

Starting a Pentile iPhone 4S rumor would be fun though. :rolleyes:

The iP4 (GSM) had a blueish tint. The iP4(Verizon) had a yellowish tint. The Verizon version is supposed to have a more natural look, but coming from a GSM version the color difference will be jarring.

My Program Manager has a black iP4S (GSM) that looks almost exactly like my iP4. However, I compared my phone with an in store iP4S and yeah, there was an instantly noticeable color difference. I sure as hell didn't like it and I wouldn't blame people for complaining.