Is it foolish to not wait for the second gen Iphone?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 22, 2002
Im really close to pulling the trigger on ordering one of these guys, however just cant justify it based on what is likely to come out a year from now. Let alone the Edge/3G thing, theres the hardware updates that are likely to make a major difference. If i buy a Iphone now and then the new model comes out with more memory, Ichat support, Java/Flash web browser etc im really gonna feel as though i wasted my money now. What do you think the chances are of Apple successfully implementing any of those features on the current generation? I would have to assume pretty low.

To those that have the Iphone:

Is the internet as slow as I've heard? Ive heard some pretty bad stories about load times et all.
How is the camera's picture quality? While by no means a necessity a very nice camera on my phone is certainly a plus for me.
How do features such as Youtube and all work? Are they completely viewable? Or do they buffer a lot?
How slow is edge when using something like Google Maps? Say im lost on the side of the road one night, how long would it take me to find my way via the Iphone?
Around the Seattle area i get 200+ kbps, which is fast enough for most web browsing.

Under wireless with broadband it loads fast :)
Must agree with the guy above me; in a sense. It really depends on where you live.
If you are waiting for 3G, do you even have full 3G coverage in your area? While AT&T is slowly expanding the coverage it is still very limited.
Im really close to pulling the trigger on ordering one of these guys, however just cant justify it based on what is likely to come out a year from now...What do you think the chances are of Apple successfully implementing any of those features on the current generation? I would have to assume pretty low...

If you can afford to blow $500-600 on a nonessential device like the iphone now, then you can probably afford to blow another $600 in 6-8 months when a new one comes out. That said, the 'should I wait for the next gen of X device' conundrum has been around a pretty long time- my personal theory is that if I buy hardware that satisfies my wants and needs of the day, then that's about as good as I can do. Otherwise you're going to be waiting for the ambiguous hardware of tomorrow, which can be a pretty long wait (especially dealing with a company like apple that rarely announces hardware too far in advance).

As for apple implementing updates to the current iphone- they should be able to add all the software they want (ie ichat, mms, etc), but I wouldn't be expecting any new hardware to be magically unlocked via an update.
Message forums don't take up too much kbps in surfing. Thats all you need right? ;)

The only major issue I see in choosing to wait is for full compatibility (hopefully) with all internet flash/java and videos. But if you can live with surfing youtube or stage6 at home, then the reasons dwindle quickly, imho. There will absolutely be a better iphone someday. But when that comes out, people will be questioning whether or not to wait for the next best thing. It is an endless cycle. You have to bite the bullet and roll with the punches, I say.
Im really close to pulling the trigger on ordering one of these guys, however just cant justify it based on what is likely to come out a year from now. Let alone the Edge/3G thing, theres the hardware updates that are likely to make a major difference. If i buy a Iphone now and then the new model comes out with more memory, Ichat support, Java/Flash web browser etc im really gonna feel as though i wasted my money now. What do you think the chances are of Apple successfully implementing any of those features on the current generation? I would have to assume pretty low.

To those that have the Iphone:

Is the internet as slow as I've heard? Ive heard some pretty bad stories about load times et all.
How is the camera's picture quality? While by no means a necessity a very nice camera on my phone is certainly a plus for me.
How do features such as Youtube and all work? Are they completely viewable? Or do they buffer a lot?
How slow is edge when using something like Google Maps? Say im lost on the side of the road one night, how long would it take me to find my way via the Iphone?

If you live in constant fear of something better coming out, you'll never buy anything. So you'll need to get over that real fast regardless of what you decide. For computers and consumer electornics, a year is an eternity!

To answer your direct questions -

Internet speed - As has been mentioned, it depends. If you live in a major metro area then the speed will likely be usable. Not EVDO-equivalent speed, but usable. Seattle has been mentioned. I live in Columbus, OH and haven't had too many complaints. Obviously, your location will play a large role here.

Camera picture quality. Not on par with my Nikon D70, but as good or better than anything I've seen from a phone.

YouTube speed - see comments about internet speed. When viewed via WiFi they look phenomenal. . .but over EDGE, it will vary widely.

Google Maps - see comments on internet speed since this is nothing more than using

As for your fear about the next big thing iPhone. . .consider this. . .for at least the next 5 years, the iPhone will be GSM-only. I'm sure it will be hacked to unlock it, but it will still be a GSM phone. The two largest GSM carriers in the USA are AT&T & T-Mobile. For data, both use EDGE - which is essentially 2.5G. For the last couple years, AT&T has been working on fielding a true 3G network called HSDPA - which should yield speeds of about 4Mbps down and 384kbps up. They've been really (REALLY) slow in deploying HSDPA and right now it's only available in a small handful of locations - all around major metro areas. AT&T's HSDPA coverage areas can be found here. For the iPhone, the data network has to be national - which rules out HSDPA (right now) - so EDGE is the deal. So you won't see a radically faster iPhone until AT&T has gone nationwide (or just about) with HSDPA. I don't see that happening for at least another year, probably two (or more). By then, you'll be ready for a new phone anyway. And keep in mind, T-Mobile hasn't even announced whether they'll support HSDPA at all in the USA. In the meantime, there may be some enhancemements to EDGE, but those shouldn't require a new phone. Until HSDPA is ready, any hardware revisions of the iPhone will pretty much involve storage capacity as the 16GB and larger flash drives become available in enough quantity and at low enough cost to support mass production. Remember, the largest iPod Nano is still only 8GB.

In short. . .for me, EDGE is currently fast enough to where I have other software-UI things I want fixed/adjusted first.
I understand what your all saying, and yes, i agree that constantly waiting for something new is no way to live. I suppose my biggest stopping points are Java support and Ichat.
I understand what your all saying, and yes, i agree that constantly waiting for something new is no way to live. I suppose my biggest stopping points are Java support and Ichat.

Ultimately you have to decide if those two factors are important enough to outweigh all the other cool stuff the iPhone does. While I do have a list of stuff I'd like to see fixed, the iPhone is by far the best and most usable phone and PDA I've ever seen.

Stuff I'd like to see fixed -
- Ability to select multiple mail messages and/or have an empty trash function. Managing messages one at a time is a real PITA
- When creating a new contact or calendar event, I want to be able to select which group/calendar the item should go to.
- Show elapsed time/time remaining on the currently playing song
- The ability to do Notes as either landscape or portrait mode
- In the Recents (recently received/missed call list) I'd like the ability to delete those singly. Right now, it's an all-or-nothing deal.
- I'd like a shortcut to the contacts on the main menu, rather than having to go through the phone section first.

Anyway. . .even those quibbles are minor.
I am waiting, only because I have a contract with Sprint. But I totally agree in waiting for the second generation, bugs will be discovered and hopefully dealt with. Dunno what new errors will arise.

I agree with an earlier poster's comment that if you can afford it now, then you can afford it again in a year or whatever. If you can't afford it now, then you should not consider it either.:)
I bought the one I am posting on because I can afford it now, but not later (summer job; long hours and lots of ot) so i got it. It does have very high pimp/nerd quality
I am waiting, only because I have a contract with Sprint. But I totally agree in waiting for the second generation, bugs will be discovered and hopefully dealt with. Dunno what new errors will arise.

I agree with an earlier poster's comment that if you can afford it now, then you can afford it again in a year or whatever. If you can't afford it now, then you should not consider it either.:)

I read that you can terminate your contract because Sprint is now charging more on roaming after aug 1st, thus changing the terms of your contract.

Only works if unlimited CEVO isn't part of your plan.
well I'm typing this on my brand new iPhone 8gb. I was thinking about what you all said and figured it made sense. I have to admit this thing is pretty damn cool so far. I will slap myself If Ichat Is supported on a later model but oh well.
I read that you can terminate your contract because Sprint is now charging more on roaming after aug 1st, thus changing the terms of your contract.

Only works if unlimited CEVO isn't part of your plan.

i have the sero plan, so . . . i guess I don't know what CEVO is?

I have unlimited web, roaming is included, unlimited picture service.
when is a next gen suppose to hit? Does anyone have a clue as to what is expected in the next gen iphone?

its my understanding apple is going to just support the iphone with mostly software the next 5 years and not with hardware revisions so I'd assume just about anything the iphone sees in the next 3 years will be possible on one bought now. and I also highly suggest against waiting on tech...

if the iphone does what you want now, get it. If it doesnt just dont get rooked by the screen and move on lol.

I have about another 6 months on my plan now and think I'll see how the k850i comes out before I plunk down for my next phone. I want great photo's, music, and phone but the desktop on a 3.5" screen doesnt quite hold my interest just yet so I might let this iphone pass me by.
From what I hear, Apple is *supposed* to put out an update before Leopard comes out, which should be within 2 months or so. The update is supposed to include Flash support... we'll see though.

I originally had a *really* old Nokia.. white/greenish screen, black text old. The battery wouldn't last more than 10 minutes or so if I made a call. Unfortunately, I knew it wouldn't make it up until this point, so back in early April, I signed up for a 1 year contract with TMobile again and got a new phone. I'm still on the fence about getting an iphone. Part of me wants to, as I could always give the phone I have to my wife, but I think I'm going to try to hold off until they put out a software update and I'll see what's included.
seeing as its a first gen device and im broke, I think ill wait for the next revision.

Things that really bother me about the iPhone is the lack of 3G support (tried EDGE internet at the AT&T store), and the fact that the headphone jack is recessed (dont understand that at all, need to buy $10 adapter to use your high quality headphones?)

but mostly Ill hold off because I dont have 600 to drop on it....
For those who say, "No 3G."
How many of you are in a 3G area? Or in that area for even most of your day?
I want 3G, one reason I have waited to get the iPhone, but then realized that about 1/3 of my day I am only in range of 3G or if I do have it, many times it is only 2 bars or less.
seeing as its a first gen device and im broke, I think ill wait for the next revision.

Things that really bother me about the iPhone is the lack of 3G support (tried EDGE internet at the AT&T store), and the fact that the headphone jack is recessed (dont understand that at all, need to buy $10 adapter to use your high quality headphones?)

but mostly Ill hold off because I dont have 600 to drop on it....

EDGE is going to vary widely depending on location. If you're near a major metro area, it should be OK. Not as speedy as EVDO, but usable. If you're out in the boonies, then forget it. Also. . .I would say that inside an AT&T store (or any other store) is probably not the best place to guage signal strength or wireless data speeds. There are lots of things inside stores that cause interference.

As for the recessed headphone jack. . .the thing was just released 2 weeks ago. Give companies a chance to catch up. And seriously, if you're serious enough to buy a $100+ set of headphones, then you shouldn't be batting an eye at a $10 adapter.
3G is in just about every major city and suburban area associated with that city I'm pretty sure many users are in 3G areas as i'm not so sure that iphones are popular on farms. ATT even states that 3G is compatable with EDGE....
The reason I asked my question is that while that is true, I actually get 3G more than I was thinking. Though it still stands that I do not get "great" coverage; at my work I have full bars, but I also have wifi here. Then when at home I get 2 bars or less, though I have wifi there, many times near my home I am out (movies, dinner, etc.) there is no wifi available & 3G is very limited. Even though we have full coverage clearly for it. It just might be my area, but that is one thing that is why I have kinda of given up on 3G here.
As everyone here has stated it depends on where you live. I'm up in Seattle visiting friends and my iPhone is fine on EVDO. It is still pretty good in Irvine and Temecula (hour north of SD).
I say go for it. ;)
As everyone here has stated it depends on where you live. I'm up in Seattle visiting friends and my iPhone is fine on EVDO. It is still pretty good in Irvine and Temecula (hour north of SD).
I say go for it. ;)

I have to ask how you got your iPhone on EVDO.
when is a next gen suppose to hit? Does anyone have a clue as to what is expected in the next gen iphone?

its my understanding apple is going to just support the iphone with mostly software the next 5 years and not with hardware revisions so I'd assume just about anything the iphone sees in the next 3 years will be possible on one bought now. and I also highly suggest against waiting on tech...

to be competitive in the marketplace, there is absolutely no way apple will let this hardware sit for even a year IMO. At the very least, they're gonna have to add 3g.

For those who say, "No 3G."
How many of you are in a 3G area? Or in that area for even most of your day?

I have 3g coverage all day every day :) yay seattle

I have to ask how you got your iPhone on EVDO.

super secret verizon reject prototype :confused: :D
I have to ask how you got your iPhone on EVDO.

He means on AT&T's 3G network; which is expanding in larger cities. No iPhone is unlocked right now, and if he's on another 3G network roaming or something, he'll just get the cap that the iPhone hardware supports which is somewhere around 260kbps if I remember correctly.
How Seattle has such good coverage I still wonder...
I live in Houston, Texas & have great coverage at my office, but I go out to my house (subrubs) and I still get it, but it is either 2 bars or no 3G. Though like I said I do have wifi so I do not mind.

So my friend was reading over some reviews and found something interesting, wonder if anyone who has an iPhone can help explain or resolve this.
~Third -- and perhaps most importantly -- AT&T's EDGE network can't support simultaneous voice and data. Read: if you're moving data to or from your iPhone, calls will go straight to voicemail. Big time bummer. The thought of browsing with Safari on the iPhone's magnificent display while chatting on Bluetooth is a seductive one, but it ain't gonna happen.

So if you are online, browsing you can not get calls? True/False...:confused:
He means on AT&T's 3G network; which is expanding in larger cities. No iPhone is unlocked right now, and if he's on another 3G network roaming or something, he'll just get the cap that the iPhone hardware supports which is somewhere around 260kbps if I remember correctly.

I didn't want to presume anything :)

to be competitive in the marketplace, there is absolutely no way apple will let this hardware sit for even a year IMO. At the very least, they're gonna have to add 3g.

For the foreseeable future, any hardware upgrades will likely be dominated by larger capacity storage. AT&T has been really dragging their feet for the last couple of years on rolling out HSDPA - their 3G technology infrastructure. Right now, HSDPA is limited to certain areas of select few major metro areas. I can't see Apple moving the iPhone over to HSDPA until it's deployed at least close to nationwide. It's possible Apple could do a combined EDGE/HSDPA phone if they can work around battery life - which was what kept the current iPhone from supporting both data networks. That said, I think 16GB flash modules will be plentiful enough and cost effective enough sooner than AT&T will have HSDPA sufficiently deployed.
How Seattle has such good coverage I still wonder...
I live in Houston, Texas & have great coverage at my office, but I go out to my house (subrubs) and I still get it, but it is either 2 bars or no 3G. Though like I said I do have wifi so I do not mind.

So my friend was reading over some reviews and found something interesting, wonder if anyone who has an iPhone can help explain or resolve this.
~Third -- and perhaps most importantly -- AT&T's EDGE network can't support simultaneous voice and data. Read: if you're moving data to or from your iPhone, calls will go straight to voicemail. Big time bummer. The thought of browsing with Safari on the iPhone's magnificent display while chatting on Bluetooth is a seductive one, but it ain't gonna happen.

So if you are online, browsing you can not get calls? True/False...:confused:

I don't know about the iPhone specifically, but with all the phones I have owned, if you get a call while transfering data on EDGE, it stops all data transfer while on the call. Your phone will still ring. It's sorta like a pause button.

I live and work in Sacramento and I have 3G coverage almost everywhere. With my Blackjack, my wife can call me and ask for directions somewhere or where a store is, and while still on the phone I can use google maps to look up directions without having to call her back. When I have only EDGE signal it acts just like any other phone though.
I've been using Apple products since 2003, when I purchased a Cinema Display for my PC. I now own a Powerbook G4 and Ipod Mini, both of which are great.

Based on their history however, which is really a chronicle of relentless self-improvement, i'd probably wait for at least the second generation of iPhones. Apple has a tendency to outdo themselves when it comes to improving their products. Even AppleTV really jumped up in storage capacity from the 40gb original version.

Based upon your needs however, some of these improvement may or may not make a difference in your purchase decision. If you're in no rush for an iPhone, i'd say hold off a bit.
I've been using Apple products since 2003, when I purchased a Cinema Display for my PC. I now own a Powerbook G4 and Ipod Mini, both of which are great.

Based on their history however, which is really a chronicle of relentless self-improvement, i'd probably wait for at least the second generation of iPhones. Apple has a tendency to outdo themselves when it comes to improving their products. Even AppleTV really jumped up in storage capacity from the 40gb original version.

Based upon your needs however, some of these improvement may or may not make a difference in your purchase decision. If you're in no rush for an iPhone, i'd say hold off a bit.

Other than larger storage and incorporating HSDPA - which have already been discussed in this thread - which features do you see coming which would require new hardware? Obviously, you have some basis for your reccomendation to hold off in favor of new hardware.

I mean to say if you're not in a rush for something then you should hold off seems to be belaboring the obvious.
For those waiting for a new gen release are going to be waiting for a while, at least 1 year. They are going to keep updating the iPhone with additional soft updates but I don't see how 3G will be a part of that.

I'm pretty stoked on mine. It almost does everything, beautifully, so those few things it doesn't do can get to you a little irked. Edge is fast enough for a quick look-up. The wi-fi is nice and fast and open networks are pretty widely available. When a new gen does come out, i will be happy to put my 1st gen on ebay and pick up the new model. :D
For those waiting for a new gen release are going to be waiting for a while, at least 1 year. They are going to keep updating the iPhone with additional soft updates but I don't see how 3G will be a part of that.

As I've said many times before - in this thread and others, noone should get their hopes up for true 3G on the iPhone until HSDPA is MUCH more widely available. By then, you'll be ready for new hardware anyway.
As I've said many times before - in this thread and others, noone should get their hopes up for true 3G on the iPhone until HSDPA is MUCH more widely available. By then, you'll be ready for new hardware anyway.

Seems to make sense that 3G may not happen until Att's exclusivity runs out, 5 yrs.
Seems to make sense that 3G may not happen until Att's exclusivity runs out, 5 yrs.

Maybe true, but has been stated that 3G was not in the US version (currently) because of the overall lack of 3G support from AT&T. While most major cities (downtown areas) are covered, the suburbs around them in many areas are still lacking
Actually, that is backwards...why did Verizon turn down Apple? Cause that is what happened.

Actually. . .the truth was somewhere in the middle. They both ultimately decided a partnership wasn't a good fit. The issues mainly involved media sales. For any phone/iPod Apple produced, they would insist on the iTunes Store being the exclusive content provider for that device. Verizon wanted to insist on vCast for content. So the arrangement wasn't a good fit for either party. Personally, I think it's a bit short-sighted on Verizon's part but that's their business decision to make. While EVDO would be nice, it doen't break my heart. Verizon has a reputation for crippling phone features in an attempt to force people from buying ringtones, games, etc only from vCast.

Seems to make sense that 3G may not happen until Att's exclusivity runs out, 5 yrs.

I've said this before, here and on other threads. . .AT&T DOES HAVE TRUE 3G!!! It's called HSDPA. The problem isn't AT&T doesn't have the technology. They've just been really slow to deploy it. Right now, HSDPA is available only in major metro areas. Obviously, for the iPhone to be a success Apple needed a coast-to-coast data network - ruling out HSDPA. Since they were partnered with AT&T, they went with EDGE. I'm guessing you won't see nationwide HSDPA for at least another 1-2 years at least - but you will see it, almost certainly before the 5 year agreement ends. AT&T and T-Mobile (USA's biggest GSM carriers) bought a bunch of spectrum at the FCC's auction last fall. Here's to hoping it helps them speed deployment of HSDPA. With HSDPA, you should get 3-4Mbps down and 384kbps up. So why not a phone capable of both EDGE and HSDPA? The party line out of Apple has been insufficient battery life. Obviously, that may change - which would be nice for those people under the HSDPA umbrella.