is it possible to 4890 x4?


Apr 4, 2008
just have an idea if watercooled them to 1 slot then put 4 of them on i7 mobo, so is it possible? also on driver side?

OK, my bad on this. Was thinking back to Mobo support for it. There was one MSI to support, all others had X3 CF support. Here is the official answer from AMD.

Hey Kyle,

Crossfire is supported on both 3800 and 4800 Series. And 4x 4890’s are indeed feasible and supported by our driver if the motherboard has the correct PCIe lane spacing and the end user can find a power supply for it.

Hope that helps.


Jay Marsden
Public Relations Manager
AMD Global Communications
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Here is an interesting mix and match chart.....
Not a long time back I saw someone using 8 GPU with 4 HD3870X2's, but it was slower than just using 4.

I forget which review site it was, though.

See above, I edited my previously incorrect reply.

8 GPUs is not officially supported, that I am sure of.
I'm not sure if I knew that the 38xx series could be crossfired together like that until now, with the 3850 being able to connect to the 3870.. etc.
that would be sweet if the drivers worked with 4..... you'd be having 4890x2 crossfire performance already lol