Is it possible to add text to .css?


Nov 12, 2001
is this possible?

here's the troublespot:

/* Footnote */
p.footnote {
font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 0.6em;
text-align: right;
padding: 0 2em 0 0;

This results in adding a link that's embedded in c++. I want the link to stay, giving credit to the original designer of the program.

I want to add some additional text to the footnote, or even create another notation to the css.

is it possible to add a perm text to the css?
mikeblas said:
Huh? How did C++ get involved?

I'm so sorry... lack of sleep I suppose.

I'm using a program to create web galleries, like this one:

I have no intention of removing the footnote:
Created with Web Album Generator

However, I want to add a footnote to give credit to the photographer. The generator program is based on c++ and the "Created with Web Album Generator" is added to each html page during the html creation.

I've attempted to contact the author of the program numerous times, to no avail.

So, I'm curious if you can utilize .css to add actual text to every webpage.
I do not know for sure, but off the top of my head I would say you cannot do what you desire with css. Css is supposed to be for setting styles, but not content, for a page.

What you wish to do would be very simple with php or asp though.
there is a way to do it with CSS pseudo classes, but it's not widely supported (in other owrds, IE does not support it)

something like this
    content: "Created with Album Generator";
CefiroZ said:
I do not know for sure, but off the top of my head I would say you cannot do what you desire with css. Css is supposed to be for setting styles, but not content, for a page.

What you wish to do would be very simple with php or asp though.


so, it would almost act like a frame? allowing me to have the html (gallery) act seperate from the text I wish to add?
/* Footnote */
p.footnote {
font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 0.6em;
text-align: right;
padding: 0 2em 0 0;

This results in adding a link that's embedded in c++.

No, that bit of css adds those font and formatting characteristics to <p.footnote>.

If you want to add a lot of text or, say, a menu to a lot of different pages PHP includes are the way to go. Have a look at

But, since "credit to the photographer" isn't any longer than <?php include(""); ?> you might as well just copy it into each webpage by hand.

//edit - post the code - link to an actual website would be better - and someone can figure out what puts the "Created with Web Album Generator" on each page... maybe we can attach credit to the photographer along with it.