Is it possible to view two pages of word at once? (side by side)


Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2007
Is it possible to view two or more pages of word at once if you have a wide screen monitor?

If so, how?

depends on your resolution. just set 1680x1050 or so and 75% view in word.
works for me.
I should have specified how do do this on open office

by the way my resolution is 1920x1200
Why can't you just open two windows and put them side by side? For me, when I open Word 07 (different app, I know) i just make that window full screen and I have two pages right next to each other.
What version of Word? If 2003, the View menu has some additional views. If 2007, select the View tab, and select "two pages" or "Full Screen Reading"

In, I don't think a similar feature is available except in 3.0 prerelease. Otherwise, Print Preview is the only way to do it. I guess the common way to work around this is to open the file in two different OO Writer windows, then have one window do Print Preview, and tab to the other to edit.
Just open each document in separate windows, then hold down the Ctrl key and click each document in the task bar, and finally, right click on one of the documents in the taskbar and choose "Show Windows Side by Side".

The poster above is correct - drop the Zoom menu on the Toolbar and "Two pages" should be the bottom option. Another way to get the same view if for some reason the Zoom button/menu is missing from your Toolbar (you can add it back, of course), is: open the document, select View - Zoom, then check the Many pages radio button, then click the icon just below it and choose 1x2 pages and then click OK.
C'mon people, read the first few posts... Open Office, not Word. :)

(only to the people who said Word :p)