Is it really worth upgrading from Vista to 7?

Unless you experiencing some serious problem in vista, you can try to run W7, I did upgrade but there were no performance differences. Seems W7 has slightly faster boot. But not much of a difference. I even had some problems with some HW when I installed 7. There is alot of posts and opinions that W7 is much better than Vista, although I think it's just tweaked version of Vista, 95% of windows 7 stuff is originally from Vista, abit improved performance, but unless you have old computer you won't notice it, and redesigned (in my opinion not very improved) interface, nothing else I did see in W7 to be new or either worth of upgrading. By the way of interface I like more vista because it's something inbetween XP and 7.
I would recommend upgrade to 7 from XP for those who have old computers and not well working with vista.
Seems even on 6+ yrl old computers you can get decent performance with 7.
I am not comparing both, just saying that's what I have in my dual boot, and I never mentioned virus resistivity, only exposure, but it seems I'm wrong on this point, Windows 7 market share apparently overtook Vista's last year. Which seems to show the upgrade was worthwhile for many users.

And about Blu-ray support, I believe I put the word "native" somewhere...

I would venture that Vista overtaken by 7 was directly related to 7 being installed on every new PC once it was available and not as many people taking the XP downgrade..........Also 7 appears to have a wider hardware install base (netbooks, tablets as well as PCs) so it is not suprising that 7 overtook vista..........
Yes, to both questions. Yes, it's really worth upgrading, and yes you'll get bonuses with improved hardware support and also somewhat better performance because of improvements with Superfetch and other aspects of the core OS itself. It's not Vista, it's better.



Add my vote to upgrade to Windows 7. But please, do a reformat and clean install. Do things right the first time.
I would venture that Vista overtaken by 7 was directly related to 7 being installed on every new PC once it was available and not as many people taking the XP downgrade..........Also 7 appears to have a wider hardware install base (netbooks, tablets as well as PCs) so it is not suprising that 7 overtook vista..........
Well they didn't sell 4 times more Windows 7 PCs than Vista PCs during the same period after launch, so overtaking 3 years of unchallenged Vista market share just 9 months after launch is definitely not due to new PCs.

The abyss between Vista failure and Windows 7 success is even more phenomenal when you take into account that many users bought Vista and new PCs right after launch because Microsoft kept them (and manufacturers) waiting for 5 years since XP and the replacement was long overdue.
Well they didn't sell 4 times more Windows 7 PCs than Vista PCs during the same period after launch, so overtaking 3 years of unchallenged Vista market share just 9 months after launch is definitely not due to new PCs.

The abyss between Vista failure and Windows 7 success is even more phenomenal when you take into account that many users bought Vista and new PCs right after launch because Microsoft kept them (and manufacturers) waiting for 5 years since XP and the replacement was long overdue.

The netbook boom using XP or 7 and not Vista, yes there was a huge influx of sales that affected that market share. Vista systems had the downgrade option when purchased and 7 didn't, so yeah there were a lot more sales from the get go. Late adopters of a new OS structure that skipped Vista due to public panic and poor vendor support, 3 years isn't that long and yes stagnated sales of Vista heavily. Most of the market was told to wait for 7 and stick with XP. There was a rush to buy 7 and skip Vista altogether. Many of the local businesses here all said they were skipping Vista simply because of hardware support. They now have all new 7 machines (hundreds of new machines). They didn't even test Vista in house.
I never had any problems with Vista x64 (given that I didn't install on release, so drivers etc. had matured somewhat). I don't have any problems with 7 on the same system.. but equally I don't really see many advantages either. I wouldn't have it if it weren't for a very good offer on preorders of retail versions of Windows 7.

So I'd say that you'll probably notice some small improvements, but don't expect a dramatically different experience. Vista was Windows NT 6.0, and 7 is Windows NT 6.1 for a reason - it's a development of the same platform, just like 2000 -> XP. (I'd make an analogy to Intel's tick-tock strategy: 2000 (NT 5.0) and Vista (NT 6.0) introduced major changes, while XP (NT 5.1) and 7 (NT 6.1) refined the existing platform.)

Worth it to buy? Only if it's cheap/you're got excess funds. Might as well use it if you've got it though.
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Vista was Windows NT 6.0, and 7 is Windows NT 6.1 for a reason
That reason is that app developers don't understand the >= operator and test to see if the major version is equal to 6; if it's not they freak out. Bumping only the minor version avoids a lot of appcompat trouble.
That reason is that app developers don't understand the >= operator and test to see if the major version is equal to 6; if it's not they freak out. Bumping only the minor version avoids a lot of appcompat trouble.

no, the reason is that 7 is a MINOR revision to Vista just liike XP was to Windows 2000. Windows 7 basically finishes what Vista started in terms of what MS wanted for the OS plus a few adjustments to things like UAC based upon customer feedback

There is no way you are going to try and tell me that going from Vista to 7 was like going rfrom NT 3.51 to NT 4 or from NT 4.0 to Win 2K

7 is to Vista what XP was to windows 2K.......

BTW, only crappy coded programs or programs that require a specific OS because they cannot guarentee functionality on the newer platform look for a specific version number. Most programs look for a minimum version number and will typically install on any windows OS that reports that version or higher..(provided that the OS has support for "x" bit code used on the installer/program)
windows 7 64bit if you have over 4gb of ram or capable of going over of course :) but no reason to stay in vista as it as old technology and youll always probably have better driver support on windows 7 too.

if you want upgrade dvds for win 7 ultimate I can honestly find someone to sell you it for around maybe $50.
Your PC would feel a lot more responsive if you moved to windows 7.
I had win vista on my q6600 and after installing 7, it now flies comparing to before.
Yes, you will notice a difference. BUT, it may not be worth the cost for you. You might try a trial of 7 (or borrow a copy and install it for 30 days), put it on a separate drive or partition and try it out. Give it a few weeks. If you like it, buy it. If not, delete it and go on with Vista. Nothing lost other than time.

What this guy said.. I didnt really feel a change that much after moving to win7.

I did, but in hindsight the only difference I see is that Windows 7 has the corner maximize feature (which I really like) Vista fully patched runs really great! If you have great hardware then no it won't matter. If you have older hardware (P4 age chip with 2GB RAM) - windows 7 is more lean than vista and so it might be worth it then, but then again - just buy more RAM and your back to the no answer.

But they cut out the awesome movie maker software that came with Vista. Now the movie maker is junk and I've read it's because of licensing issues.
imo it is kinda up to you and your experience with it, and your bankroll.
For me I was highly glad to upgrade to vista. It just seems to run nicer, it not like night and day nicer but it does feel a little bit more zippy and looks cleaner to boot. Can I live on vista? yeah, but I won't like it as much. Imo you need to try it before you buy it then make the call.
imo it is kinda up to you and your experience with it, and your bankroll.
For me I was highly glad to upgrade to vista. It just seems to run nicer, it not like night and day nicer but it does feel a little bit more zippy and looks cleaner to boot. Can I live on vista? yeah, but I won't like it as much. Imo you need to try it before you buy it then make the call.

I can borrow a disk to try 7 but I haven't been motivated enough to test it out. When I'm forced to reinstall I'll probably upgrade to 7.
I did the upgrade when 7 first came out and while I like 7 a lot, I wouldn't have upgraded from Vista if I hadn't gotten in on the $30 student price deal. They just aren't very different in my experience. The new taskbar is nice and the snap features are good, but otherwise I notice very little difference.

Oh and to the blurb earlier about shutting down the computer, I do it to conserve energy. Even if the actual power usage between a sleeping computer and an off computer isn't that different, something just rubs me the wrong way about keeping my appliances on continuously when I am not using them.