Is it sad when:


Jun 24, 2004
You overclock/run F@H all night just to keep your room warm? :D

In FL the temps just hit high 50s and I am freezing, but I always try to see how long I can stand to go w/o turning the heater on. I run prime95 and or F@H to keep my room liveable at night, and push my OCs progressively harder just for that little bit of extra warmth.

Am I the only insane person that does this? :cool: Surely there are others like me... speak up!
Get a waterbed. My room is always like 22C, it's deadly.

You're all freaks, by the way ;)
If I had a waterbed I would DEFINITELY use it as a reservoir for a water cooling setup, no questions asked.
I leave mine crunching overnight on winter too warm me up aswell. Just turn off all the fans and let the heat hit the case side. Having a Lian-li which acts as a giant heatsink comes in handy on those cold winter nights :)
The only heat in my computer room is the computers themselves. There's nothing like finite element analysis to keep my toes warm. :)
Wow, visions of homeless geeks standing around a CPU to keep warm instead off a fire in a 55 gallon drum. There's a Christmas story in there somewhere :)
If you guys were really [H], you'd sacrifice your warmth and well being for the rig. You'd keep the window open at night, and have bowls of ice cubes all over the room. You'd fan the refridgerator door every time you got a beer, and then keep that beer next to the side intake for safe keeping.

hehe, j/k...
Its in the 50s and your freezing? Geez. Try a sweater and some long pants :)
i WISH it was in the 50s in the morning around here....nothing worse than waking up and having the cold air knock you over when you get out from under your nice warm covers...

oh beds heated btw :p :p
My family always asks me why my room is the only one that's warm all the time. I just point to my case. Then they look at me funny when I bundle up, open the window, and start gaming. :D
In the 50's and you're cold? LOL....I can't wait to retire to Florida/Arizona in another 10-15 years or so. We wear shorts in the upper 50's to low 60's up here in Canada, well, some of us crazy canucks do. I do...
RickyJ said:
My family always asks me why my room is the only one that's warm all the time. I just point to my case. Then they look at me funny when I bundle up, open the window, and start gaming. :D

Ha... same here. And I'm on the other end of the house, where I don't get any sun.

I OC in the winter, too, to heat up my room, and with the help of my CRT, it's definitely noticeable.

Man, we're all poor :D
Be sure so have a BIG/FAT/OLD CRT Monitor too , It helps a lot..
DaMiEn said:
hmmmm I just put on a coat and enjoy the low cpu temps.....

Same here.
My heatsinks are all passive, so when the Florida temps get chilly I just crack a window and turn 2 lonely case fans down.

Stay put freeloader1969, we got enough snow birds as is.
"Stay put freeloader1969, we got enough snow birds as is."

Arizona or Florida, maybe even California. Just want to retire somewhere warm :)
I wish it was that warm in the mornings I live on Long Island but I live on the ocean so it gets pretty cold. The temp in the morning is usually around 20 farenheit in my yard cause of all the nice warm air blowing off the ocean :( and then my dad turns the heat down. we have electric water so I always just say they stayed in the shower too long as an exscuse :D
I moved on my own a little over a year ago, and around november/december i saw my first gas bill for keeping warm :eek:

Kept the thermostat at 60F (which is still noticably cold, the house doesn't actually get that warm...just the therm...since it's right next to the heater/bathroom and the bathroom has a register UNDER the tub which spews hot air...makes for warm baths/shower, but cold rest of the apartment) and kept my computers always running. My room was noticable warmer (and CRT was on screen saver). I'd much rather have an extra $10-$20 in electric bills than $40-$50 in gas :p

Only problem I have a newer, faster PC but now a flat panel so no more 19 inch CRT :( That thing definately brought up the room temp lol.

You know, I've thought about duct taping a bunch of paper towel rolls from my window to the side indtake fan for ultra overclocking ability lol....speaking of which, I used to run 3 computers and 3 CRT's 24/7 when I lived at my parents in the 2nd floor where no heat ever got up there...and my room was so hot I had to keep the windows open...parents diddnt care as long as I shut my door...that was until the gas bill somehow went up $100. But when I moved out, electric bill went down $60 lol...i swear mom, it wasn't me, it's just a coincidence
nweibley said:
If I had a waterbed I would DEFINITELY use it as a reservoir for a water cooling setup, no questions asked.
no offense, but it's not a feasible solution... especially since water beds are generally heated. If you took it out, it wouldn't be a very nice place to sleep, considering the thermal capacity... and the fact that you'd be a heat source, and the water mattress woudl be a sink. The only way you could pull it off is if you had like a down comforter on the bottom (between you and the water matress).. just seems unreasonable to me...

also: if you're complaining about 50 degrees i can't help but laugh... it's mid 50's around here the majority of the year...
diredesire said:
no offense, but it's not a feasible solution... especially since water beds are generally heated. If you took it out, it wouldn't be a very nice place to sleep, considering the thermal capacity... and the fact that you'd be a heat source, and the water mattress woudl be a sink. The only way you could pull it off is if you had like a down comforter on the bottom (between you and the water matress).. just seems unreasonable to me...
The whole point would be to run a system that would act as a heater for me, IE run it so hard it heats up the whole waterbed. There are many more problems, like the fact that the weight of the water if the system were below the bed would make it very difficult to keep everything sealed. I'm not an idiot. Really, I know that it's not a good idea. It was a joke.
diredesire said:
also: if you're complaining about 50 degrees i can't help but laugh... it's mid 50's around here the majority of the year...
Well then, I guess you are just better than me, aren't you? :rolleyes:
I can't tell if you were trying to be a jackass, so I will assume you were :D
You come down here when it's over 98 degrees outside with about 90% humidity and the 3rd hurricane has just gone by and you don't have power for 5 days. We'll see how you do then. I think it is pretty clear that I am intolerant to cold weater, it was all a joke. I don't need sombody lecturing me on how pathetic I am that I think 50 degrees is cold. So what if you can stand naked in -40 without shivering? It wont help you in florida.
If you were not:
The lows here in Austin TX were ~30 for a couple nights last week, so I had my computers on running prime95 as well as all the lights(on, not running prime95 :) ). The heater in my house at school sucks, as does the insulation, as does the design of the stupid house: my housemates upstairs were walking around in shorts with their windows open and their fans on because their rooms were ~75, while I was shivvering downstairs in my sweats on. Go figure.

Glad to hear others have done this :p
You might not believe it, but my boxen is the only thing that heats my room. It stays a constant ~63F at night, 75F during the day. Last year when I was living in a one room apt, I had to run my ac just to keep the room at 70F. :p

(Sun Sparcstation 2X75mhz SuperSparc, Compaq Proliant dual Xeon 450mhz, Sony VAIO 2.4ghz, custom 3.0 @ 3.6ghz, Cisco switch, Liebert UPS)
omg you are all sad...I live in alaska. We have to have studded tires for winter, we don't get snow days, and if you tell us it's about 50 degrees out we are in shorts and a t-shirt, i kid you not. yesterday our high temperature was about 12 degrees with a low of -3 degrees, yes below zero :(
nweibley said:
The whole point would be to run a system that would act as a heater for me, IE run it so hard it heats up the whole waterbed. There are many more problems, like the fact that the weight of the water if the system were below the bed would make it very difficult to keep everything sealed. I'm not an idiot. Really, I know that it's not a good idea. It was a joke.

Well then, I guess you are just better than me, aren't you? :rolleyes:
I can't tell if you were trying to be a jackass, so I will assume you were :D
You come down here when it's over 98 degrees outside with about 90% humidity and the 3rd hurricane has just gone by and you don't have power for 5 days. We'll see how you do then. I think it is pretty clear that I am intolerant to cold weater, it was all a joke. I don't need sombody lecturing me on how pathetic I am that I think 50 degrees is cold. So what if you can stand naked in -40 without shivering? It wont help you in florida.
If you were not:
relax man... i'm just sayin' 50 degrees isn't that cold (like the rest of us... why pick on ME?!)

Also: if you had your watercooling setup warm up your water bed... don't you think it'd be less than efficient at cooling an overclocked processor? :p