Is it the mobo or not?


Feb 1, 2005
Okay, most of you have probably noticed that I have become a bit scarce in the last few months but I am having a problem with Blue Falcon and I am stumped.

First off, here are my specs

AsRock 939 Dual Sata2 Mobo running AGP
2 512 Corsair DDR Ram
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Vid Card
AMD 3000 Venice CPU
Ultra Xconnect 500W PSU
NEC 8x DVD Rom
Seagate 120gig HD
Dell 2001 FP Monitor running VGA


1. In the middle of a heated game of BF2 a few weekends ago, the computer just shut it self off. No power. I had to turn off the PSU and turn it back on to get power. After a few times seeing the computer die and having to toggle the PSU, I concluded that the PSU died. Brand new one, but it died. So I swapped PSUs from another in house computer and everything was running fine.

2. Few days later, gaming again, the video card stops responding. The computer is still running but the monitor has shut it self off. Think that the 9800 pro I was using was old, I got the other one from my other computer and things appear to be running worse than before. Ran 3dMark stress test and it locked up. Never could complete the test. Then the card overheated and I got the really colorful screen. Since the newer 9800 pro performed worse than the older one, I figured I would RMA it anyway. Took it out and went back to the older 9800.

3. Now, I'm back to the video card not responding.

I have a BFG 5500 that I can try but I think its pretty pointless to do so. Im starting to think that its a bad AGP slot on the board but the only PCI express card in the house is a 7800 GTX and I dare not risk my life touching that thing.

I had no problems what so ever with my combinations until after the first PSU died. Could that have affected my mobo? I am using a fairly new mobo but I have seen no bad reviews on it and the PCIe and AGP combo on the board was prime for me since I am stuck on the fence of upgrade.

Any ideas????????????
I'd try the 5500 and see if you get problems. If you do, then at least you know it's probably your AGP slot. It might have gotten fried a little with a voltage spike or something when your old PSU died.
ive had a similar thing happen with similar equipment. i think you need to replace the motherboard because mine died from an old wasted PSU.