is it worth waiting for the am2?


Nov 21, 2005
i was just wondering your opinions because thats whats been holding up me building a new machine. But from what ive read so far there realy isnt alot of performance increases in dual core for gaming and ddr2 doesnt realy make that big fo a diffrence in gaming. so i could get a single core opteron and keep my corsair xms and have a box that could last 2 years?
that's what i'm doing, is it worth waiting till June? i haven't had a new comp in 4 years, and when AM2 comes out, it'll be pricey
Yes, if you are mostly gaming a hot single core Opty would be a good bet, however if you are going to get one you had better do it soon as AMD has discontinued production of the 140 series. It seems they were performing as well (with overclocking) or better than the FX-55 cash cow for about 1/3 - 1/4 the price so AMD decided to protect their sacred cow by discontinuing the 140 series Opty's. You can still find them but they are getting scarce and prices are rising on the 140 series. Ebay always has a selection of 144's, 146's and 148's but I have noticed prices rising. Prior to Christmas a 146 was $181 at but now they don't even have them anymore.
If you want a 140 series Opty you'd better be getting it soon.
BigMacAttack said:
Yes, if you are mostly gaming a hot single core Opty would be a good bet, however if you are going to get one you had better do it soon as AMD has discontinued production of the 140 series. It seems they were performing as well (with overclocking) or better than the FX-55 cash cow for about 1/3 - 1/4 the price so AMD decided to protect their sacred cow by discontinuing the 140 series Opty's. You can still find them but they are getting scarce and prices are rising on the 140 series. Ebay always has a selection of 144's, 146's and 148's but I have noticed prices rising. Prior to Christmas a 146 was $181 at but now they don't even have them anymore.
If you want a 140 series Opty you'd better be getting it soon.

Where did you get info on the 140 series being discontinued. there's no information out there supporting it. What you do have is a few greedy retailers and an AMD price hike.
well im just saying im starting to think i am one of those guys that has waited to long. I ve been running on a 478 socket for 3 years. Im ready. I just dont wantto waste my money. i Know amd has the most power for the buck at this point in the market. I just want to knwo what cpu i should get that will last me say 2 years if i want it to.