Is my 4850 dead /dying ?


Limp Gawd
May 22, 2008
card has been working fine, then i got a new tv, hooked it up via hdmi and fired up GRID. i get this:

then CTD

figrued it was maybe from going to 1680x1050 to 1920x1280. So i fire up audiosurf, works fine.

go back to the monitor, fire up crysis wars:

then CTD

BF2=CTD when it tires to start up STALKER SOC: starts loading map, then ctd

BUT i can play audiosurf, HL2 episode 1 just fine ???

i reinstalled drivers, no dice
That's exactly what happened to me in Crysis and a few other games when my HD4870 started to take a dump after 41 days. If you tried all the usual like drivers, removing any overclocks if present, your power supply is good, then the card is likely going bad. Someone over on Rage3D had the same problem with their HD4850 and an ATI Rep said basically the same thing I said above. One sure fire way to test would be to throw it in another PC, if you can find one.
Sure it's not a heat problem? My 4850 had to shutdown on me before I stubbornly went out and bought a replacement cooler for it. The new cooler dropped my load/idle temps by roughly 40c.
Sure it's not a heat problem? My 4850 had to shutdown on me before I stubbornly went out and bought a replacement cooler for it. The new cooler dropped my load/idle temps by roughly 40c.

Not for mine, temps were 47c-51c Idle and 65C-73C under load with the stock-fan set at 41%. Glad you brought it up though as I left that out of possible causes in my first post to dezertrat.
No temps are fine, i was running fan at 40% idle and 60% for gaming. If you look in the upper right of the screens you can see my temps are only 72 and 63c
my 4850 started to die about a month after i bought it, i'm getting a replacement as we speak.
Slight possibility that the drivers aren't any good or that you're seriously overclocking, otherwise yeah this card is going bad, time for RMA. Check the heatsink to make sure that it's secured correctly and you can point that out if you do RMA it.
Ya no overclock, and it was fine on the 8.9 drivers for a long time. So RMA time, anybody have a REALLY cheap (pref ati) pci-e card 4 sale? (no onboard,so no pc while i rma)