Is my CPU-Z reading me right?


Limp Gawd
Apr 23, 2006

Stock QX9650, says it's running @ 2.0 GHz if I'm reading this correctly. Easy Tune 5 says it's running @ 2.6. Isn't it supposed to run at 3.0?

Never overclocked anything before in my life by the way, once my rig is finished setting up I plan on having quite a bit of fun with it! ....after a lot of research since the sticky topic on this board is very confusing. Front side bus speeds and...stuff. Anyway I'd like to take it up to 4 at some point but for now I'd be happy if it was actually rated at 3...
What motherboard are you using? Some of the motherboard are not getting along with Intel's 45nm chips. If that not the problem then go to the Intel's site and get the right spec and enter them in the BIOS manually.
Speedstep is on...your multi is at 6.....
When you do something that requires any CPU power, the multi will go back to 9..and then you will be at 3.0....:)

you can turn it off if you prefer....

I would explain the whole thing but I'm lazy and search is your friend..:)
Go into your bios and turn speed step off, I had to do it for my Q6600

May have to raise your volts after though, and don't those new Q's run hot?

I've heard they run cool...they do for me, at least...I've had a lot of problems but one that that has worked very well is my water cooling.

As for speed stepping, thanks, I'll check it out. When I'm all settled down and ready to start learning to OC, I'll do that as well :p
I've heard they run cool...they do for me, at least...I've had a lot of problems but one that that has worked very well is my water cooling.

As for speed stepping, thanks, I'll check it out. When I'm all settled down and ready to start learning to OC, I'll do that as well :p

Well yeah, but they need proper cooling.

I'm just glad it was easy to take my Q6600 to 3.0 with little to no effort.

I want to try further, but I am wary since my motherboard only supports a FSB of 1333 and I think that has helped a lot.

Maybe do 8*400 and 9*400, but I don't want to damage components.

Anyway.. I rambled .. best of luck!
There's no reason to turn SpeedStep off unless you're starting to OC. Once you OC, if you can maintain stability with SpeedStep turned on, it will save you some electricity in the long run. How much? Not really sure.