Is my PSU dying?


Jun 11, 2004
I have an Antec Trupower 550 or 580 watt psu. My system is kind of old and in no way pushes that limit. This started last winter and would happen periodically, now it is an everyday problem. When I attempt to power on my computer nothing happens. To get it to work I have to push the power button then go flick the switch on the psu in the back until I hear an error beeping sound, then quickly flip it back to normal. This will usually power it up after a try or two. Other than this everything seems fine, and I can restart and shut down then start it back up shorlty after without this process. If it is off for an hour or more it seems I must flick the switch. Any ideas?
It probably is dying... I had an Antec Smart Power, and it was doing something similar to what your's is doing. Finally, about a week ago, it would take about an hour to power on (or more) and it would shutdown randomly in-games... So I finally just bought a new one :)
It seems to get worse with humidity as well. We turned the AC off this week and it has been really struggling. I will have to work it for 30 minutes before I can get up and stable, it will repeatedly power off and on during the startup phase and even after I am in Windows.

I bought a $40 Thermaltake 430 watt PSU off Newegg for now. Should be plenty to handle my PC. I have been considering building a new computer but would like to keep this one as well so this solves the issue. I think I might get a PC Power & Cooling PSU for the new computer. I will pay for quality to avoid future issues.
I got the thermaltake 430 in today and installed it. Powered up immediately, all fans were spinning but got no video. The video card is a 7800 GT AGP I believe, 1 power connector, fans spun and it seemed fine. Windows booted because I heard the music. Checked all connections multiple times, everything seems fine. Anyone have any ideas? The video card says 380 watt PSU would be fine.

Tried putting my old Antec back in but that is now completely dead. I am not sure if the Thermaltake just cant handle the load of my PC which seems weird. I run an Athlon 3200 and 1 old IDE hard drive, nothing power hungry. Now I am trying to figure out if I somehow killed my video card or if this PSU just can't handle the power.
I tried hooking up another computer temporarily and had the same problem. For some reason my DVI cable has died, really weird. Using an analog cable and everything works. I would have never thought that a cable could die randomly like that. Power supply works fine, I know it's not the best in the world but I just want to keep this computer operational.

The 12v rail is a bit weak though. Thanks.
I tried hooking up another computer temporarily and had the same problem. For some reason my DVI cable has died, really weird. Using an analog cable and everything works. I would have never thought that a cable could die randomly like that. Power supply works fine, I know it's not the best in the world but I just want to keep this computer operational.

The 12v rail is a bit weak though. Thanks.

You did plug the graphics card into a power supply molex, correct? IIRC, all 7800GTs require a 4 or 6pin connection to the power supply...