is my rig under performing a bit?

Dec 22, 2013
I just got 3D mark from the steam sale and ran the fire strike high performance and got.... 2786

here is a link to the results

Am I expecting to much here? or is there a problem somewhere?
I would love any comments and suggestions!
3DMark's "High End Gaming PC" uses an Intel Core i7-4770K, an Asus Z87-PRO, and a GTX Titan. Assuming that both systems are running at stock speeds, there's really no way that you would beat that score. (I don't know enough about the particular "Gaming laptop" specifications to make an opinion on that.)

Before I get ahead of myself, which monitor resolution were you using? Looking at the detailed test results, I'd be more concerned about not being able to reach an average of 30 frames per second on any of the tests. Without knowing more details, those scores tell me that you need a better video card. Then again, the GTX 650 Ti isn't a high-end card.
1920x1080 is my monitor resolution. I was just using this as a benchmark of sorts. Maybe I was wrong in using 3Dmark in this way?

I wasn't trying to get a super high 3DMarkscore.. just a test to see if i was under performing i guess?
I like to stick with atleast the 60's and up.. do you have an SSD? do you game? anything in particular, cause if your playing solitair then your doing great but if your running BF or something then........ :]
1920x1080 is my monitor resolution. I was just using this as a benchmark of sorts. Maybe I was wrong in using 3Dmark in this way?

I wasn't trying to get a super high 3DMarkscore.. just a test to see if i was under performing i guess?

The GTX 650 Ti is your performance bottleneck. If you're serious about gaming, then I suggest that you start saving money for a new, better video card.

I like to stick with atleast the 60's and up.. do you have an SSD? do you game? anything in particular, cause if your playing solitair then your doing great but if your running BF or something then........ :]

SSDs don't improve frame rates to the degree that video cards can.
Ya All I do is play games. I have been buying entry level cards for years. Lately i'm getting sick of crappy frame rates. everything's playable.. but at lower settings.. Plus I dual Monitor and I stream a bit.

What I am looking for is good performance in BF4, DayZ:S and anything else coming out soon..
If you're looking to game at your current resolution, you will need to upgrade that video card. Like it has been mentioned, the 650ti is nice at mid range, but expecting those higher frame rate numbers and having quality settings turned up isn't going to happen.

What is your budget for buying a card and what power supply do you have?
650ti is just barely out of the "budget card" category. If you want a decent bump in peformance at a reasonable price I would look at something like the GTX 760 or R9-270.
Ok. It's as I feared. I have to stop messing around with the budget cards
I was looking at a gtx770 ti? I know there are a few different flavors of those as well.

I guess I'll take recommendations for nvidia cards. Would a 770ti be a big enough boost over the 660?
Since there isn't a 770ti that I've heard of, probably not ;)

However, a 770 is much faster than a 660. Probably twice as fast as your 650ti if not more.
If you are gaming at 1080P, no need for the 4GB model.
if this blows your budget for pc parts for awhile id get a 4gb of the gtx 760/770. or 7950 3gb. I think games in the near future will have really big draw distance so youll need alot of vram. i get limited on my 2gb 760 in bf4 with aa on at 1080p.
Thanks for all the advice. I decided to go with a EVGA GTX 780 FTW dual with the ACX cooler
780 TI's are way out of budget ATM and decided this card fit my needs
Well one thing is for sure.

He will undoubtedly notice the performance increase.
Thanks for all the advice. I decided to go with a EVGA GTX 780 FTW dual with the ACX cooler
780 TI's are way out of budget ATM and decided this card fit my needs

Wait, what case and power supply do you have?
probably because you mentioned budget and 1080p in the same post idk.

No I didn't.

Power supply is a thermal take tr2. It's about 6 months old. And an older mid tower. Don't even know what kind. Generic. Should have plenty of space.

Case is my next upgrade in not to long
Why? Is a good upgrade to the new core. Is a 3GB card and should last longer.

And it is a 780

That's a horrible way of thinking.

I've been using the GTX 680, which uses a variant of the same GPU as the GTX 770, for the past two years and have had no problems with gaming at 1920x1080. Other gamers have been satisfied with the GTX 660/670/760, the GTX 680/770, and the HD 7970/R9 280X during that same time, yet none of those cards were among the biggest, the baddest, or the best around.

Help us understand your justification. What games do you play now? Which games are you planning to play in the future? And which case and power supply are you currently using?
Power supply is a thermal take tr2. It's about 6 months old.
You need to buy a new PSU, Thermaltake's TR2 PSU line are very very shitty. They're not good PSUs in any way unless SHIT equals good in your book. Right now there's an excellent deal on this high quality Seasonic PSU for only $100 with promo code EMCWVVS37:

And an older mid tower. Don't even know what kind. Generic. Should have plenty of space.

Case is my next upgrade in not to long

Yeah did you actually make sure that it can fit inside the case? Also, that the case will provide sufficient cooling for either cards? i.e does it use 120mm fans or 80mm fans? When one says "generic" in regards to the case, there's a good chance that it is not a good case for a modern high performance PC. When exactly are you going to get a new case?
No no no. There should have been a quote in there. The "and it is a 780" line was an answer to mayonaises'. Comment about " if I had the money I would of went for the 780".

I was not justifying my decision with "well just because it's a 780"
600w PSU thermaltake tr2. And a mid case. Generic.

I play bf4, dayz:s I want to play assassins creed:black flag.
Waiting for watch dogs. The division and a lot of other games on the horizon
I also use 2 1080p monitors

From reviews. It's a great card for a decent price wth 3gb so I can move up to higher res
If I want to.
Are you gaming on both monitors at the same time? That's got to be a weird view. I can see playing on 3 displays at once with the middle being the primary display and then one on either side to enhance the experience, but with two monitors you're essentially putting a split in the middle of the action. Why would you do that?