Is my Video card or my Monitor to blame?


Jul 21, 2005
I've had my Viewsonic VX2025wm for about a month now, everything has been great till today.

1.) I played some Oblivion.

2.) I had some errands, so I put my comp into Stand-By mode.

3.) About thirty minutes later, I returned to my comp and left sleep mode.

4.) My monitor was acting strangely; I could move my cursor to the right and more space would appear. It was like my monitor was set to a far higher resolution, too big for my screen.

5.) I checked my Monitor's resolution, and oddly enough it said my Rez was 640x800.. yet none of my icons seemed gargantuan and blurry like they normally do at that res.

6.) I tried to set my Res back to 1680x1055, but windows wouldn't let me go past some weird res, like 1520x900. A strange number I had never seen before.

7.) I restart my computer, hoping this problem will resolve itself. My monitor says "No signal."

8.) I check my wires, I make sure everything is properly connected, then I try to boot up again. Still a no go. I turn off my computer and hook up my monitor to one of my older computers, my monitor boots up fine.

9.) My old computer uses an AGP video card, so I figure maybe my 7800 GT or my Monitor has a DVI port problem, so I use the Analog converter thingy and I hook my Viewsonic VX2025wm back up to my 7800 gt. Now, it works.

Why am I having this problem? How do I fix this problem, is there something wrong with my Video card, or my monitor? How do I fix this problem?.
safe mode... Try system restore to a earlier day... If it doesn't do safe mode than you're card is screwed... RMA would be your next step...