Is my water block screwed?


Apr 21, 2004
So I was fastening the Socket A mounting clips to this water block, and the screw sheared off at about the middle:

What's left of the screw just barely clears the edge of the blue portion. If I flip the block over, the bottom of the screw is about 1mm recessed into the block.

Is there any way to get this out?
an ease-out should work, provided you can find a replacement screw.

basically, you drill a whole in the screw, and turn the ease-out into the hole, which is reverse-threaded and tapered, so it turns the screw out.

I'm not sure how small that screw is. It may be hard to find that small of ease-out. Check anyplace that sells tools.
Thanks for the reply, Earp. The screw size I believe is 6-32 1", which is pretty narrow. I have a replacement screw; whether properly drilling and extracting the old screw is possible or easy enough to warrant spending time on it is the real issue.
you know, this may sound silly, but swiftech has a pretty good rep.

if you call up tech support and/or warrenty, and play it really nice and polite, they might just decide to accomodate you.

if you can't find a tool that will get the screw out of there, it's at least worth a shot.
Is the hole that the bolt is in threaded the entire way through? If not, just unbolt all the other bolts and you should be able to pull the block apart, allowing you to remove the broken screw with a pair of pliers.

N.B. I included the dictionary term for pliers there because I mentioned pliers to various US people and they seem to go "Huh?".
Cathar said:
IN.B. I included the dictionary term for pliers there because I mentioned pliers to various US people and they seem to go "Huh?".
good lord......i hope that you are kidding.......

who hasn't used pliers before?
WHy not just use a miniature piler (like the ones used in jeweler store) and slowsly click the tip and counter turn out the screw?