Is no one buying the SK83G?


Limp Gawd
Apr 14, 2002
I ran a search on the SK83G in this area, and I see virtually no one using one. Lots of SN85G4V2s, though. Is the SK83G destined to become the bastard child of A64 SFFs? I wanted to get one (since I hate that mirrored card reader on the nForce3 XPC), but I'm concerned that it'll be like a one-off that won't get BIOS updates or any real support from the SFF community.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Assume I've already bought the A64 Socket 754 processor [dammit, dammit, dammit]. :rolleyes:

It's not that no one is running these, its the fact that they've been out for a little over a month. While the SN85 series is on Rev2 and has been out just shy of one year. Check out the forums over at SFFTECH and you will notice a few people running that box.


We're running one in the shop as a demo system with a 3200 and X800 Pro, performance has been outstanding. Not a single crash or glitch yet.
hey iron chef, your over here too?!?!

ive been here a lot longer than SFF

yea that SK83 is a load of crap from what i remember reading
I'm getting 50/50 responses on this SK83G. I get my memory, DVD burner, and Athlon64 3400+ "Newcastle" tomorrow, and I haven't ordered the barebones in which to stuff them all.

If you have an SK83G and want to give a yea or nay on the overall experience so far, toss it in the hat. Before I burn money I don't have on a computer I probably don't really need. ;)
