Is now a good time to upgrade from 2500k to 6700k/z170 or should I wait with 7700k/zen close?


Jul 8, 2005
Currently running:

2500k @ 4.5ghz, z68 chipset, gtx 980ti, 144hz 1080p, windows 10. Only thing I use my PC for is gaming. I've heard that a 6700k should raise my minimum and average FPS quite a bit. I've recently won some money off football lol. Wondering if now is not a wise time to invest in a 6700k/z170 combo with 7700k/zen rumors about? Should I wait?
Is anything you are playing now slow enough to bother you? If not, just wait.
Check to see if you are CPU bottle-necked before investing in a new CPU?
Buy a better monitor 2560x1440 with g-sync if you're an avid gamer. 1080p is a potato resolution.;)
I've seen the same comparisons where the 6700k gets a better framerate compared to that which came before. And it is a better CPU, no doubt, but in most scenarios it's not your limiting factor. The video I saw focused a lot on GTA5 performance, where the 6700k was upwards of 35% faster than the 2600k, but in order to generate numbers like that they had to plug in a Titan X for the GPU and then run the damn thing at only 1080p. In other words, they had to *remove* any GPU bottleneck, because the way most people use their systems the GPU is the limiter first.
I've seen the same comparisons where the 6700k gets a better framerate compared to that which came before. And it is a better CPU, no doubt, but in most scenarios it's not your limiting factor. The video I saw focused a lot on GTA5 performance, where the 6700k was upwards of 35% faster than the 2600k, but in order to generate numbers like that they had to plug in a Titan X for the GPU and then run the damn thing at only 1080p. In other words, they had to *remove* any GPU bottleneck, because the way most people use their systems the GPU is the limiter first.

Yes just threw in a 980ti to replace my 780. Surprised at the fos boost in battlefield. 2500k seems to still be relevant and ran good
I have a i5 2500 at 4.4 ghz, and a 970 gtx.

At 1440p mostly all the games I run are at a high frame rate. There would be almost no reason for me to upgrade right now.

However, the i5-2500 is the bottleneck in some of my games, but until a game I play starts to run slow, I'm not going to waste my money and upgrade. Not worth paying for 150 FPS, when I'm getting 100 FPS. Although I wouldn't mind overwatch bumping my frame up from the 100 FPS I am getting now because if I play on a small window it is nice to feel 150 FPS, I'm not going to spend the money just yet for that.

From my research you will get a much better performance by upgrade your i5-2500, especially with the faster memory. Your 980ti and 1080p monitor would certainly get a boost by upgrading our CPU. But if everything you are playing right now runs fast then I would not bother.

It is crazy that we are going 4 and 5 years soon on a CPU, but this is probably the new normal going forward.