is ocing amd procs hard?


Feb 5, 2007
I am new to ocing and I was gonna learn how to oc my e6300 soon and I read a couple things and it seems pretty easy. But I may be switching to amd soon and I was just wondering how hard it would be to oc a x2 4800 windsor core with a decent ocing mobo to about 2.8-2.9 ghz on air. thanks for any help
if youre lucky you be able to reach 2.8 or 2.9. the toledo and windsor cores arent as willing to overclock as much as Brisbane or c2d.i got my 4400 to 3 ghz but it became terribly unstable . the ceiling on my 4400 toledo is prolly around 2.85. it just depends on whether you get a good cpu or not. in a point, overclocking a windsor or toledo isnt going to be too hard but you wont get the results like a c2d or brisbane would get overclocking.
Overclocking AMD is very easy. Ram timings and dividers are less of a performance issue as opposed to Intel overclocking from what Ive noticed.
Just make shure you Buy a WINDSOR-CZ-F3 stepping CORE or get a Brisbane. I rather have a CZ for now seeing the Brisbanes read wacked temps from the Core! if you overclock a AMD its pretty basic , Just use a Very Good board and Chip with Good stepping From the Start!:DMake shure you have good Memory 6400 or higher if ya gonna go for huge Oc. There are plenty of AMD bargins out there and yes be real picky on mobo and Stepping!;)

I cant remember if they have a CZ-f3 stepping in 4800+ i believe its CS or CU which still will Oc to 2.8-3.0 with good cooling! I know there is a X2 3800+CZ-f3 and X2 5000+CZ-f3 and X2 5200+CZ-f3 and X2 5400+CZ-f3 and X2 5600+CZ-f3 and X2 6000+CZ-f3