is there a headphone that fits my requirements?


Oct 30, 2003
ok so i want a headphone that is pretty good in these aspects:

- great surround imaging for games/music
- nice authoritative bass for movies/games
- nice clarity for music, but nothing too harsh. just soft while the different frequencies can be heard very distinctly.

also can you guys recommend me an amp that can help the headphones achieve or come close to these requirements?

i guess my budget is $600 including amp. oh yeah comfort is probably the biggest factor.

open or closed doesn't matter, as long as it achieves my requirements

any suggestions/recommendations are greatly welcomed
What are you using for a source? I'd hate to see a $600 headphone rig ran out of onboard...

HD650/600 and Pimeta/PPA might be a good choice.
That budget is hardcore dude. If you're going to throw down the cash, go immediately to and get recommendations there.

My budget was $100 and I picked up the ATH-A500 on ebay, only store with em is, I wouldn't have it any other way. So comfortable, definitely NOT portable, and plenty of bass for my tastes (actually surprised me with the bass, I'm used to crap headphones.) And for games they're good too.
well actually i want to run from digital output into a receiver and the from the receiver a digital output to the amp. is this a viable choice? are there hp amps that have digital inputs?
Definitely go to headfi man, some real audiophiles there. most are very helpful. You'll probably have more/better responses over there :D
Any reason why you want to run a digital signal to your receiver as opposed to using the analog out straight to the amp? You still havn't said what your source is...

There are no hp amps that take digital, you need a DAC in there somewhere.
I'd say wait for reviews of the AKG K701 before making your final decision :)
mdameron said:
Definitely go to headfi man, some real audiophiles there. most are very helpful. You'll probably have more/better responses over there :D

I think you will find plenty of members of headfi here on these very forums. ;)
strid3r said:
lol, I was waiting for you to come and say that....

Didn't have to wait long did you? :D
I so want to like those cans but that white and grey combo just doesn't do anything for me. :(
I agree, the K701 is quite ugly in an ipodish kinda way. Even the box screams iPod! But from some remarks at Head-Fi, they seem to be exactly what the OP needs (well, maybe with some bass eq, depending) :)
well if you guys really say so, i'll head on over to the head fi forums. its just that i've been posting on these forums for 2yrs already and many of you guys love running headphones w/ amps.

so i guess you can say, i like what i am used to and i don't want to change. if possible i would just like to stick to these forums and listen to the recommendations you guys make.

but if you guys say head over to headfi, then i guess that is where i'll be looking.

on a side note, i would like to run my headphone from digital output. this way i don't come across any dac's on onboard or x-fi. even though the x-fi DAC is suppose to be pretty decent, i'd prefer the DAC of a receiver or a headphone amp