Is there a worklog that shows how to create this lightbox divider

nope! i read his worklog where he first came up with it, and it isnt in there. he just kinda summed up what he did. i think it was pretty complex, and not easily replicable. im pretty sure he said they were gonna sell them for the FT07 on the murdermod site sometime soon, and then maybe make them for more often-modded cases if the demand is high enough. hes on hardforums too, and a really nice guy from what i can tell. you might wanna try PMing him and asking about it.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a lightbox divider? I looked at the pic, and all I see is a reservoir.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a lightbox divider? I looked at the pic, and all I see is a reservoir.

It was had for me to see too, until this pic: pic 13

Looks like the top of the reservoir, or the divider between the reservoir and motherboard area, is a lighted panel. Very slick.
I believe he's referring to the white panel above the midplate that functions as a lightbox.





The construction was not illustrated in Daniel's worklog because we are working on producing these to fit a variety of cases. This unit is custom fit for the TJ07 but our plans are to offer models that will be more "universal" and priced accordingly. :)
you should save this thread OP, it has been graced by charles's presence! so you ARE making them for multiple cases! thats so cool. they do in fact look incredibly good. are you making the hard drive or whatever ones too? and are they going to be a bunch of colors?
Those pics add a whole new definition to the word: "sex".