Is there any GOOD chrome paint?

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Sep 22, 2004
I'd really like to do the entire inside of my case in a chrome finish, but I don't want a cheesy looking paint. Lots of "chrome" consumer paints end up looking like gray glittery plastic. I'd rather do a different color than have a bad chrome finish, so I'm really looking for paints that finish beautifully. I've got time for however many coats of paint/clearcoat a nice finish will take, but I don't have the budget to get the parts properly chromed.

So... all the experienced painters out there: what chrome paints are there that are readily available to consumers (no paints that are only sold in bulk!) that don't look like ass? Pics would be greatly appreciated if you've got examples.
Very impossible to reproduce chrome on a budget. Alsa's products are more expensive than chrome and they're the best you're going to find in alternative chrome finishes.

Chrome isn't that expensive really......for a case maybe $100-150 as long as the parts are broken down properly.
Very impossible to reproduce chrome on a budget. Alsa's products are more expensive than chrome and they're the best you're going to find in alternative chrome finishes.

Chrome isn't that expensive really......for a case maybe $100-150 as long as the parts are broken down properly.

All right, good to know. That's way out of line for my project (a $20 CM 690 not a TJ09). The case is on a pretty tight budget by modding standards.

I'll just find a different color scheme then. Thanks for all the info guys. This thread has served its purpose.
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